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How to change the name of Standard objects (Standard Object Tabs) and Standard Fields?

How to change the name of Standard objects (Standard Object Tabs) and Standard Fields?


A Salesforce field has three parts in its name - the Field Name which is the unique name of the field (for example, FirstName, or Custom_Field) the Label, which is what users see on a page layout (for example, First Name or Custom Field) and the API Name which you would reference in integrations or formulas (for example, FirstName or Custom_Field__c). It's not advisable (and often not possible) to change the Field Name or API Name, but changing a Field Label is trivial and can often improve user adoption with little impact on functionality.

How you can tell that a field came from a Managed Package. Look for the icon and the fact that there's a defined Namespace (that will become part of the API Name)

Field Label - what appears on page layouts for users to see

Field Name - the unique name which has no spaces or special characters

Field API Name - the integration name, which is the namespace prefix, followed by the complete Field Name and __c (to mean it's a custom field)

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