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top 20 salesforce developers interview questions 2018

1. What are the types of Sandboxes available?

2. What is Track Field History? 3.

What are the Activities in Salesforce?

4. What is the difference between ISBLANK() and ISNULL()?

5. What is Out of Box functionality?

6. What is validation rule?

 7. How do you disable In-line editing?

 8. What is lead process?

9. What is sales process?

10. What is support process?

11. What is Queue?

12. What are Auto-Response Rules?

13. What are Escalation Rules?

14. What is the architecture of the salesforce?

15. What is Record Type?

 16. What is Junction Object?

17. What is Permission Set?

 18. What is Bucketing in reports?

19. Which operations can we perform on dataloader?

 20. How many records can be displayed on a report page?

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