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1. What is an alternative for workflow?
Trigger or Schedule apex.
2. What is the use of isNew()?
Checks whether the record is newly created.
3. If you organization Workflow's limit is over and if you want to write a workflow immediately and it critical, what will you do?
1. De-activate any workflows and create it using trigger and then do the new workflow.
2. Go for Schedule apex or trigger to achieve this workflow.
4. How many users have you supported?
Number of users in the Salesfor
ce organization. It helps the recruiter to understand your scalability.
5. How many records can be retrieved by List data type if the page attribute in readonly?
6. In which object all Approval process are stored?
7. In which object all email templates are saved?
8. In which object all Account Team Members are added?
9. In which object all salesforce objects are saved?
10. In which object all Opportunity Team Members are added?
11. In Which object all Apex Pages are stored?
12. In Which object all Apex Triggers are stored?
13. In Which object all Apex Classes are stored?
14. Where Products are added?
15. In which object workflows are stored?
16. In which object Roles are stored?
17. What is the difference b/w Trigger & Workflow?
Triggered can be fired before or after some operation.
Workflow cab be fired only after some operation.
18. What are the actions used in Workflow?
Email Alert
Field Update
Outbound Message
19. Say About Visual force page?
Using VF tags we can develop visualforce pages.
20. What is meant by Rendered & Re-render attribute in VF?
Rendered is used decide whether to display or hide the VF elements.
Re-Render is used to refresh the VF elements.
21. What is meant by Standard Controller & Controller?
In standard controller we can refer Standard and custom objects.
In Contoller we can refer Apex class.
22. What are the different types of Cloud in SF?
Sales cloud
Service cloud
23. What is on-Demand process?
On-demand process is nothing but "pay for what you use" policy.
We can subscribe to what we want and pay-as-you-go model.
24. Can we create 2 opportunities while the Lead conversion?
Yes using Apex code.
25. User1 is associated with profile "P". If i create a permission set and assign it to User1, now will the Permission sets which we assigned overrides the existing profile "P"?
No. Permission set is always used for extending the profile permission. It's not used to override the Profile permissions.
26. Is there is any alternative for the "ActionPoller"?
Using SetTimeout in Javascript and calling the apex method using apex:actionFunction.
27. While inserting a new record with Before Insert. What would be the values in "Trigger.new" and "Trigger.newmap"?
In trigger.New, new record values will be there.
Trigger.newMap will be empty.
28. Can you brief me about salesforce module flow?
Sales processes include quote generation, tracking opportunity stages, updates on close dates and amounts and won opportunities.
29. Can you tell me about Rollup summary field ?
Rollup Summary field can be created in Master detail relationship alone.
Rollup Summary field should be created on master object.
Rollup Summary field is used to find
of the child records.
30. Can you tell the difference between Profile and Roles?
Profiles are used for Object level access settings.
Roles are used for Record level access settings.
31. What are permission sets?
Permission Sets are used to extend Profile permissions.
32. Can you override profile permissions with permission sets(i have defined some permissions in profile,i am trying to use permission sets for the same object,can i override permissions for a particular object in the permission sets over to the profile?
No. Permission Sets are used only to extend the Profile permissions. It never overrides.
33. I want to have read/write permission for User 1 and read only for User 2, how can you acheive?
Create a Permission Set with read/write and assign it to User 1.
34. What is the role hierarchy?
Role Hierarchy states that higher hierarchy person can see lower hierarchy person records.
35. I have an OWD which is read only, how all can access my data and I want to give read write access for a particular record  to them, how can i do that?
All users can just Read the record.
Create a Sharing Rule to give Read/Write access with "Based on criteria" Sharing Rules.
36. What is the difference between role hierarchy and sharing rules?will both do the same permissions?
Role Hierarchy states that higher hierarchy person can see lower hierarchy person records.
Sharing Rule is used to extend Role Hierarchy.
37. I have an account object, I have a status field which has open and completed checkboxes, when ever I click on completed, I want an opportunity to be created automatically. Through which we can achieve in salesforce?
38. What are workflows and what actions can be performed using workflows?
Workflows are used for automation.
Field Update
Outbound Messages
Email Alert
39. What are types of workflows?
Immediate Workflow Actions
Time-Dependent Workflow Actions
40. Can you tell me what is time based workflow?
Time Based workflow will be triggered at what time we define while creating the Time-Dependent workflow rule.
41. Can you give me situation where we can you workflow rather than trigger and vice versa?
If you want to perform any action after some action, we can go for Workflow Rule.
If you want to perform any action before and after some action, we can go for Trigger.
42. Lets say I have a requirement whenever a record is created I want to insert a record on someother object?
Triggers can be used for this.
43. Whenever a record is inserted in contact I want insert a record in opportunity as well, wecan’t do it with workflow right how would you do it with trigger?
We can get the Account Id from the Contact and we can create an Opportunity under the Account.

44. Can you tell me what is the difference between apex:actionfunction and apex:actionpoller? Is there any way that we can do the same functionality of apex:actionpoller do?
apex:actionPoller is used to call an Apex method for the interval of time specified.
apex:actionFunction is used to call Apex method from Javascript.
Using setTimeOut in Javascript, we can achieve apex:actionPoller functionalities.
45. You have VF page and whenever you click a button it should go to google,so how would you do that?
Use pageReference and give the google URL in that.
46. I have an opportunity object, which is having two values like open and close,i have a workflow rule,if a particular object is in open status,it should be updated to close and if status is close it should be updated to open,how should salesforce behave. what would happen to record,how would salesforce behave here?
It causes looping error.
47.What is look-up filter and how it is useful?
Lookup filter is used to filter records when we lookup for the records.
Used in Lookup dialogs.
48.When a task is assigned to user through web to lead or web to case through assignment rules,where the tasks are appeared for that particular user?
Home page of the user.
49.When a case is generated by an user through web to case,how or where a developer will provide solution case arised?
Email notification through trigger or through email alert Workflow rule.
50.what is the use of interfaces(in apex classes)?
An interface is like a class in which none of the methods have been implemented—the method signatures are there, but the body of each method is empty. To use an interface, another class must implement it by providing a body for all of the methods contained in the interface.
Interfaces can provide a layer of abstraction to your code. They separate the specific implementation of a method from the declaration for that method. This way you can have different implementations of a method based on your specific application.
51.I have added an string 'updated' to all users in Account object through batch apex,now how to remove that 'updated'?
Run the below code in developer console
List<Account> acc =[SELECT Id, Name FROM Account];
for(Account a : acc)
{    a.Name = a.Name.removeEnd('Updated');
    update a;
52. How to create standard object as child to custom object(which is not possible thru standard away process,have to bypass this restriction)?
Create Lookup and make the lookup field mandatory.
53. In a visual force page the save should ensure the data to be be stored in current object as well as associated child object?
We have to use Database.SavePoint and Database.Rollback for this situation.

54. what is audit field,what is the purpose of audit field?
Created By, Created Date, Last Modified By and Last Modified Date are audit fields. Used to track when the changes are done to the records.
55. what we need to do for extending the limit of creating only 2 M-D relationships for custom object?
Create Lookup and make the lookup field mandatory.
56. How to write java script code for save button?
We have to create custom button and in that custom button we have to write Java script code.
57. What are the attributes of apex tag?
Attribute tag is used in creating components.
58. How to insert value to a parent and child element at the same time?
Use triggers.
59. What  is the use of record types?
Record types allow you to offer different business processes, picklist values, and page layouts to different users based on their profiles. Record types can be used in various ways, for example:
    • Create record types for opportunities to differentiate your regular sales deals from your professional services engagements and offer different picklist values for each.
    • Create record types for cases to display different page layouts for your customer support cases versus your billing cases.

60. How to make pick-list as required (thru java script)?
We have to create custom button and in that custom button we have to write Java script code to check whether the picklist value is null.
61.what are the Ajax Components in V.F?
apex:actionPoller, apex:actionFunction, apex:actionSupport, etc.
62. Why we use Salesforce sites?
Used to show data from our organization for public view.
63.Auto-response rules and Escalation rules(for which objects are mandatory)?
Case and Lead.
4. What is creating debug log for users?
Track code
65. What is Action support and Action pollar in V.F?

:A component that adds AJAX support to another component, allowing the component to be refreshed asynchronously by theserver when a particular event occurs, such as a button click or mouseover.
 Used when we want to perform an action on a perticular eventof any control like onchange of any text box or picklist.


     A timer that sends an AJAX update request to the server according to a time interval that you specify. The update request can then result in a full or partial page update. You should avoid using this component with enhanced lists.
66.   What is Dynamic Apex?
Dynamic Apex allows to create more flexible applications by providing them with the ability to:
Access sObject and field describe information
      Describe information provides information about sObject and field properties. For example, the describe information for an sObject includes whether that type of sObject supports operations like create or undelete, the sObject's name and label, the sObject's fields and child objects, and so on. The describe information for a field includes whether the field has a default value, whether it is a calculated field, the type of the field, and so on.
Note that describe information provides information about objects in an organization, not individual records.
Write dynamic SOQL queries, dynamic SOSL queries and dynamic DML
      Dynamic SOQL and SOSL queries provide the ability to execute SOQL or SOSL as a string at runtime, while dynamic DML provides the ability to create a record dynamically and then insert it into the database using DML. Using dynamic SOQL, SOSL, and DML, an application can be tailored precisely to the organization as well as the user's permissions. This can be useful for applications that are installed fromForce.com AppExchange.
67. How cases are created?
Email to Case and Web to Case
68. How many events are there in Triggers?
Apex can be invoked through the use of triggers. A trigger is Apex code that executes before or after the following types of operations:
• insert
• update
• delete
• merge
• upsert
• undelete

69.What is after undelete?
While retrieving from recycle bin
70. Will Trigger.new supports --->Insert,,,Will Trigger.Delete supports --->Delete
71.   What is Inline visualforce page?
Having vf page in pagelayout.
72.   What are sharing rules?and how many types of sharings are there?
Sharing Rules are used to open up access to records.
73.If is child is mandatory field in lookup and I m deleting Parent,will child get deleted?
74. What are the Context Variables in Triggers?
Context Variables in triggers are isExecuting, isInsert, isUpdate, isDelete, isBefore, isAfter, isUndelete, new, newMap, old, oldMap, size.
75. Can we have V.F pages in page layout?

76. Write a query for below.
 I have 1 parent(account) and 1 child(contact),how will you get F.name,L.name from child and email from the account when Organization name in account is "CTS"?
SELECT Email, (SELECT F.Name, L.Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Name = 'CTS'.
77. what are workflow actions?
Field Update
Email Alert
Outbound Message

78. What are outbound messages? what it will contain?
An outbound message is a workflow, approval, or milestone action that sends the information you specify to an endpoint you designate, such as an external service. An outbound message sends the data in the specified fields in the form of a SOAP message to the endpoint. In outbound message contains end point URL.
79. What is External id?primary id?
External id is unique to external application.
Primay id is unique to internal organization.
80. Data loader?and which format it will support?
Data loader is a tool to manage bulk data. It will support .csv format of Excel.
81. How import wizard will not allow the duplicates?
Using external id.
82. What are validation rules?
Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards you specify before the user can save the record. A validation rule can contain a formula or expression that evaluates the data in one or more fields and returns a value of “True” or “False”. Validation rules also include an error message to display to the user when the rule returns a value of “True” due to an invalid value.
83. I want to update 10 records ,can I use Trigger.new?

84. What is after update and before update?
Before Trigger:
In case of validation check in the same object.
Insert or update the same object.
After Trigger: 
Insert/Update related object, not the same object.
Notification email.
We cannot use After trigger, if we want to update a record because it causes read only error. This is because after inserting or updating, we cannot update a record.
85. Every month 1st I need to insert a record in 1 object? How will you do that?
Schedule a class.
86. How many types of controllers are there?
3 types.
Custom Controller.
Standard Controller.
87. I want to use more than 1 object in visual force pages?which controller will you use?
88. I want new 1 button on the detail page of standard Object ?how can you do it?
Create a button in that object and assign it to the page layout.
89. For which events will trigger.new will support?
Insert and update.
90. Can you please give some information about Implicit and Explicit Invocation of apex?
 Triggers - Implicit
Javascript remoting - Explicit

91. what is apex test execution?
 Exectuing apex test classes
92. what is meant by email services in salesforce?
You can use Apex to receive and process email and attachments. The email is received by the Apex email service and processed by Apex classes that utilize the InboundEmail object.
1. Go to Setup --> App Setup --> Develop --> Apex Classes.
Create a class that implements the interface "Messaging.InboundEmailHandler".

93. How can we know few time based workflows has been fired and some more are still need to fire?or How can we track which time based wf's are fired and which are in the queue?
To track which time based workflows are fired and which are in the queue, kindly go to Setup --> Monitoring  -> Time Based Workflow.
94. In an apex invocation how many methods that we can write as future annotations?
95. In Data loader using upsert operation can u do update a record if that record id is already exist in page and if updated that record then can u update 2records with having same id and if not updated 2 records then wat error message is given?
It is not possible to update records with same id in a file usin upsert operation. It will throw "duplicate ids found" error.
96. One product cost is 1000. It is stored in invoice so once if change the cost of product to 800 then how can i update it automatically into a invoice?
We can achieve this using triggers or through relationship among objects.
97. One company is having some branches and all branches having different departments. So, now I want to display all departments from all branches in a single visualforce page?
Using subquery we can fetch all the required data and we can display it in VF page.
98. what is Encrypted field?
Allows users to enter any combination of letters and numbers and store them in encrypted form.
99. While adding products to Opportunities , can we add products associated with both Std and Custom Pricebooks to same opportunity?
100.I need to mass edit the Contact details . How can I achieve this through configuration only ? 
Mass Edit App exchage application or Import Accounts/Contacts
101.Significance of Business Hours in Entitlement Management?
The entitlement's supported business hours
102.How to bypass Firewall during Salesforce Web service Integration?
Add the IP in Trusted IP ranges
103.How do you control the order of execution of 4 after update triggers on the Same SObject in Salesforce ?
The order of execution isn’t guaranteed when having multiple triggers for the same object due to the same event
104. Where and why exactly we go for for data loader?
    a. If a person leaves a company, we can transfer his/records to others using data loader.
    b. If we want to add products for multiple currencies, we go for data loader.
    c. If we want to delete the test data, we go for data loader.
    d. If we want to handle more than 50000 records.
    e. For moving reports, dashboards, attachments from Sandbox to Production.
105. How much time will it take for loading contacts,leads,accounts,opportunities etc?Which one will get more time for loading?
It is based on the triggers, validation rules, etc behind the objects.
Usually it will take more time on Opportunity.
106. what are the most common problems you faced in loading data?
    a. Uploading multilanguage data.
    b. Fault string error.
107. Why exactly the batch apex is used in your project?
    a. Background process
    b. Reminder settings
    c. Daily or weekly activities which will handle more records.
108. When actually sandbox is moved to production,when i want to change the some part of code,how can you manage to restrict the previous code not to get executed?
Using eclipse, we have to open the xml of the class and we have to change "Active" to "Inactive" in status tag.
Example: <status>Inactive</status>
109. What are set up and non set up Objects in salesforce?
Non-Setup objects are standard objects like Account or any custom object.
Setup objects are Group1, GroupMember, QueueSObject, User2, UserRole, UserTerritory, Territory, etc..

110. What is the minimum time you can schedule a batch apex?
111. What happens if sharing on Case is Read write ? How does it impact on account, contact and opportunity sharing in OWD?
No impact because of Lookup relationshipt among all these objects.
112. What is the significance of iscallout = true in salesforce ?
To execute methods asynchronously.
113. Can we update parent object records by having workflow on Child Object ?

114. Rule Criteria : "every time a record is created or edited
WrkFlw Rule 1:
On Opty Status = 'Open' , update Status = 'Closed'
WrkFlw Rule 2:
On Opty Status = 'Closed', update Status = 'Open'
Finally What is the value of Status field or how does SFDC Handle this internally? 

To tackle this, we should uncheck "Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change" in the first Workflow rule.
115. What are the challenges faced while Consuming External Wsdl File into SFDC and generate wasl2apex Class ?
Exception handling.
116.Difference between Email Service and Workflow Email Alerts?
Email alert sends an email when the criteria matches.
Email service takes care of inbound and outbound emails
117. There are A,B,C, D & E Work flows on same object [ All the 5 of them have same criteria/ rules ....Every thing is same].
It should execute in a sequence order. [must] How do u achieve this ?

Trigger is the only solution.
118. Suppose I have 1 obj and 10 records.
Now I want to Give permission to one user all 10-records . & 4 records permission to other user...how do u achieve this using configuration ?

Manual Sharing.
119. Does Apex supports Generics?
Apex partially supports Generic programming.
120. Can we write any Apex code in Configuration Only Sandbox?
121. How to render Visualforce Page as Excel?
<apex:page controller="ExportAsCSV" action="{!exportToCSV}" cache="true" contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel#export.csv" language="en-US">
122. What is the advantage of writing the Test classes from the same class and from the other classes?
Easy to move to other environments.
Easy to maintain for code modification.
123. With Data loader using "Upsert" operation performed over 10 records which includes 3 records as ABC,ABC,ABC. Will it throw any error?
Yes it will throw duplicate external ids found error.
124. What does mean by campaign management?
Campaigns usually have one of the following primary goals:
• Lead generation
• Brand building
125. Can we use Bussiness hours in Workflow Rules?
126. How many script statements can be allowed in one single excution of Apex?
127. simple wrapper class example
Adding checkbox to list of sobject records to select.
128. How to sort column or data from wrapper class?
Comparable Interface is used.
129. What is Comparable Interface in Apex?
The Comparable interface adds sorting support for Lists that contain non-primitive types, that is, Lists of user-defined types.
130. How is salesforce implemented in the project you are working on?
Salesforce can be implemented for
Sales - Sales Cloud is used.
Service - Service cloud is used.
Marketing - Marketing cloud is used.
131. How many users do you have?
Number of active users in your Salesforce organization.
It is based on the client's requirement.
I have supported upto 15000 users in a project.
Normally it will be from 2000 to 10000.
132. Which edition are you using?  
Enterprise edition for small client.
Unlimited edtition for bigger client.
133.write the code for to display an error message?
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Please enter value'));
134.If delete an account object records what will happen?
If You delete Account records all related records are also delete from Case ,Opty, and contact also deleted.
135.How many ways we can create VF pages?
We can create VF pages in 3 ways:
setup->App Setup->Develop->Pages and create new Visulaforce page.
Setup -> My Personal Information -> Personal Information -> Edit check the checkbox development mode. When you run the page like this, https://ap1.salesforce.com/apex/MyTestPage. you will find the Page editor at the bottom of the page. You can write you page as well as the controller class associated with it, there it self.
Using EclipseIDE you can create the Visulaforce page and write the code
136.How many ways we can make a field required?
Field level
Through the Page layouts
Validation rules
137. Explain about Schedule Apex?
We use Apex Scheduler to schedule a controller to execute it at a given time in future. For this make an Apex Scheduler Controller and to schedule this controller go to...
Administration Setup->Monitoring->Scheduled Jobs from there we select that Controller class and then provide some time and date to execute it in future.
To invoke Apex classes to run at specific times, first implement the Schedulable interface for the class, then specify the schedule using either the Schedule Apex page in the Salesforce.com user interface, or the System.schedule method.
138. How can we call controller extension?
A controller extension is any Apex class containing a constructor that takes a single argument of type ApexPages.StandardController or CustomControllerName, where CustomControllerName is the name of a custom controller you want to extend
Using Extension we can call Controller extension
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="myControllerExtension">
139.What is sand box?
Sandbox are a copy of your enviroments for development, testing, and training without compromising the data and applications in your production environment.

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