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What is the custom settings?

Custom settings are similar to custom objects and enable application developers to create custom sets of data, as well as create and associate custom data for an organization, profile, or specific user. All custom settings data is exposed in the application cache, which enables efficient access without the cost of repeated queries to the database. This data can then be used by formula fields, validation rules, Apex, and the Web services API.

Types of the custom settings?

List Custom Settings:

 A type of custom setting that provides a reusable set of static data that can be accessed across your organization. If you use a particular set of data frequently within your application, putting that data in a list custom setting streamlines access to it. Data in list settings does not vary with profile or user, but is available organization-wide. Examples of list data include two-letter state abbreviations, international dialing prefixes, and catalog numbers for products. Because the data is cached, access is low-cost and efficient: you don’t have to use SOQL queries that count against your governor limits

Hierarchy Custom Settings:

 A type of custom setting that uses a built-in hierarchical logic that lets you “personalize” settings for specific profiles or users. The hierarchy logic checks the organization, profile, and user settings for the current user and returns the most specific, or “lowest,” value. In the hierarchy, settings for an organization are overridden by profile settings, which, in turn, are overridden by user settings.

 List examples of custom field types?

Text, Pick list, Pick list (multi select), Date, Email, Date/Time, Date, Currency, Checkbox, Number, Percent, Phone, URL, Text Area, Geolocation, lookup relationship, master detail relationship etc…..

 What is TAB in Salesforce?

   Tab is a user interface component to user creates to display custom object data.

   There are three type of tabs.

        Custom Tabs

        Visual force Tabs

         Web Tabs

 Does user can create insert their own custom logo, while creating their own custom applications?

Yes user can upload their custom logo in documents and then they choose that logo for organization.

 List things that can be customized on page layouts?

  We can customize different things on page layout like, Fields, Buttons, Custom Links and Related Lists. We can also create sections.

 What is a “Self Relationship”?

Self Relationship is a lookup relationship to the same object. Suppose let’s take an object “Merchandise”. Here we can create relationship in between the Account to Account (same object) object. That is called “Self Relationship”.

 What are the main things need to consider in the “Master-Detail Relationship”?

Record level access is determined by the parent, Mandatory on child for reference of parent, cascade delete (if you delete the parent, it can cascade delete the child).

  What is the Import Wizard?

– An easy-to-use multi-step wizard for importing new Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Custom Objects or Solutions
– Can be used for Account, Contact, Lead, Custom Objects or Solutions updates based on matching ID
– Contact and Leads may be updated based on matching email address
– Custom Objects or Solutions may be updated based on Custom
Object names, Solutions titles, Salesforce ID or external ID

What is a CSV file?
 – File type required when using the Import Wizard
– Values are separated by commas and each row indicates a record of data

What is a record of data?
 – One unique unit of related information
– Row of data in a table or spreadsheet

Standard users can import up to 500 account or contact records per session. Organization-wide imports (system administrators) are limited to 50,000 accounts, contacts, leads, custom objects, or solutions persession
• During a lead import, you can choose to enable active or inactive assignment rules and/or trigger workflow rules as part of the import

Import Wizard
 – Only imports data. Object and fields must be created first.
– Only available for System Administrators
– Must load parent objects first if lookup fields are included
– Loading for multiple record types requires file chunking

Affected Objects and Functions
 – Custom Objects, Accounts, Solutions, Contacts, and Leads

What is External ID?

– Flag on any custom field of type Text, Number or Email
– Available on all objects that support custom fields

– Why External IDis important?
 • Increases Report and API SOQL performance
• Allows customers to use the record ID from an external system like the salesforce ID in Import and the API (new “Upsert” call)
– Import supports External ID field that can be used to load and/or synchronize data sourced in external systems
– Customer System of Record master exists in SAP with an SAP customer number. The External ID field may be used to maintain the SAP number
– Migrating large amounts of data, the External ID field may be used to track migration data and run data validation tests before going live

Example of an External Id flow where the update or insert is determined based on an import flow from a
system of record such as Oracle.
• The value proposition here is that we can de-duplicate not only based on our IDs (which are unknown to an external system), but that we can flag an external id (of type text, email, or number) custom field for the purposes of helping to de-duplicate (ie. Update/Insert = Upsert) during the import process; especially when trying to keep multiple systems synchronized

External ID
– Three ID fields per object
– Custom fields only

 What is Wrapper class?  

A Wrapper class is a class whose instances are collection of other objects.

It is used to display different objects on a Visual Force page in same table.

  What is Static Resources?

Using Static Resources we can upload images, zip files, jar files, java script and CSS files that can be referred in a visual force page.

The maximum size of Static Resources for an organization is 0mB.

 How to call java script using Static Resource in Visual Force page?

Add java script file in Static Resource setup -> develop -> Static Resources -> click on ‘New’ -> Name: filename and add file from local desktop and save.

We can use that file as follows in Visual Force page

<apex: includescript values=” {! $Resource.fileName}”/>

 How many ways we can share a record?

Role Hierarchy:

If we add a user to a role, the user is above in the role hierarchy will have read access.

Setup -> manage users -> roles -> setup roles -> click on ‘add role’ -> provide name and save.


Defines the base line setting for the organization.

Defines the level of access to the user can see the other user’s record

OWD can be Private, Public Read Only, Public Read and Write.

Setup -> Security Controls -> sharing settings -> Click on ‘Edit’

Manual Sharing:

Manual Sharing is sharing a single record to single user or group of users.

We can see this button detail page of the record and this is visible only when OWD setting is private.

Criteria Based Sharing rules:

If we want to share records based on condition like share records to group of users

 Whose criteria are country is India.

 Setup -> security controls -> sharing settings -> select the object and provide name and

 Conditions and save

Apex sharing:

Share object is available for every object(For Account object share object is AccountShare ). If we want to share the records using apex we have to create a record to the share object.

 What are the actions in workflow?    

          Email Alert


          Field Update

          Outbound Message

  How many ways we can made field is required?

             While creation of field

             Validation rules

             Page Layout level

 What is the maximum size of the PDF generated on visualforce attribute renderAs?

  • The maximum response size when creating a PDF must be below 15 MBbefore being rendered as a PDF. This is the standard limit for all Visualforce requests.
  • The maximum file size for a generated PDF is 60 MB.
  • The total size of all images included in a generated PDF is 30 MB.

  How many controllers can be used in a visual force page? 

           Salesforce come under SAAS so, we can use one controller and as many extension controllers.

  What is difference between Action support and Action function?

Action function:  Invoke the controller method from java script using AJAX and we can use action function from different places on visual force page.

Action support: Invoke the controller method using AJAX when even occurs on page like onMouseOver, onClick, ect… and we can use action support for particular single apex component.

 How to create Master Details relationship between existing records?

Directly we can’t create Master Detail relationship between existing records, first we have to create Lookup relationship and provide valid lookup fields and it shouldn’t  null.

 What is permission set?

                Permission sets extend user’s functional access without changing user’s profile.

    Ex:  A user has only read access through profile on custom object, administrator want to give access Edit and create operations to him without changing the profile. Administrator creates the permission set having edit and creates operation on custom object and assign to that user.

 What is manual sharing?

                Manual sharing is to share a record to a particular user manually.

Go to detail page of record and click on manual sharing button and assign that record to other user with Read or Read/Write access.

Manual Sharing button enables only when OWD is private to that object.

 How we can change the Grant access using role hierarchy for standard objects?

                Not possible.

 What is the use of “Transfer Record” in profile?

                If user have only Read access on particular record but he wants to change the owner name of that record, then in profile level Transfer Record enables he can able to change the owner.

 What is Field dependency?

                According to the field selection on one field filter the pick list values on other field.

 Is check box performs like controlling field?

                Yes possible. Controlling field should be Check box or pick list.

 How many field dependencies we can use in Visual Force page?

                Maximum we can use 0 field dependencies in VF page.

 What is Roll-up summary?

                Roll-up displays the count of child records and calculate the sum, min and max of fields of the child records.

 How to create Roll-up summary field on lookup relation?

                Not possible. Roll-up summary is enabled for only Master –Detail relationship.

 What are the Record Types?

                 Record Types are restrict the pick list values and assign to the different page layouts for different Record Types.

 What is Audit Trail?

                Audit Trail provides the information or track all the recent setup changes that an administrator done to the organization.

               This can store the last  months data.

   What is Dashboard?

                Dashboard is a pictorial representation of report. We can add up to 0 reports in single dashboard.

 How can I move Data from SandBox to Production?                                                                 

* We can't move your data from sandbox to production.

* We can only move components,applications and profile settings using changesets.

* FYI (For Your Information): We can move data from production to sandbox.

* Use export and import option for moving data into production.

Note: Indirectly, We can use Data Loader to move data from Sandbox to a csv file, and the import the data from csv file into Production.

 how to create field?
Before going this we need to now,what are the types of objects and fields

in salesforce.com basically we have two types of objects and fields 

stranded objects ,stranded fields and custom fields, custom objects.

A) For crating field in stranded object we need to click on particular object in "customize"
setup> customize > account / contact > field > new
B) For creating field in custom object we need to click on object at "create" 
setup > create > object > select the object > custom fields and relations > new 

Where can you make a field required?
 In field creation we need to check on "field is mandatory".

I'm setting up different page layouts for different user profiles.  As a system administrator, is there another way to see what the user sees instead of them granting log in access to you?
As a admin you can see what are the things in his layout and edit the layout.but you can not see the exact view which is like an user view.

What type of Workflow Alerts are there?
Basically work flow alerts are four types, those are
Task:it is for making task to other user
Email alert :it is the process to create email alert (example: wishing mail for birthday)
Field updates: field updates are field value dependent activity
out bound messages: out bound messages are for sending data to the end point 

Validation Rules, What are they use for in Salesforce?
Validation rules are very impotent one. its useful to create boundary for particular field.
Example: I am having salary field in my employ object.if I enter -000Rs it will take, but this is false activity.
if I created "salary__c < 0 "as a validation rule it wont allow to take negative values.

What is Dataloader?
dataloader is for integration.Mainly it is having    function buttons 
Insert: it is for inserting data from external machine(file should be an CSV)

Update:it is for updating existing record

Upsert:it is having the function of insert and update

Delete: its for deleting data(deleted files available in recycle bin)

Hard delete: its for deleting but its not recoverable  

Export:its for taking out the data from our salesforce.com

Export all: for all data extraction

Note: its allow the files of comma separated value (.csv) 

what is cross object formula creation?
It means creating relation between two field from two different object.For creating this object have to have lookup or mater relation.

a.What is the difference between Lookup Relationship and Master-Detail Relationship?

b. True or False? If you were to delete a record that had a lookup to a child object, all child object records would get deleted as well.

answer for above two questions.
Lookup and master relations are use full for making relation between two objects(important point "not for fields")
manly three conditions are making difference in these relations
lookup realation
1)In look up relation the field is not an mandatory, that means if we created lookup relation for any two objects that particular field should not contain red mark beside that.
2) you can change look value that means it is editable
3) If we delete parent its won’t create any effect on child
     for example "department object" is an parent "employ" is an child.in this case deleting of "department" cannot create any effect on child.
master relation
this is completely opposite to the lookup relation.
1) its mandatory (you must fill it)
2)not editable (your value fixed )

3) if you delete parent child details also move to trash  

a.Where is the view Account hierarchy link?

b.What does the Account Hierarchy tell or do?
answer for above two questions
"Account hierarchy link will appear in accounts"
More information about this
Before going to this we need to now what is account and what is contact?
EXAMPLE: accer is providing laptops and tabs and I am having the company of ABC bank.My marketing manager called accer for 0 laptops and my HR manager called accer for  TABs.
according to above condition
ABC bank is the account and marketing manager and HR manager will come under contact.
Account hierarchy show these two contacts under ABC bank link

Explain about remote action?

Defines Apex controller methods that JavaScript code can call from a visualforce page via JavaScript remoting.The method must be static and either public or global.

How can we create Dashboard using Standard Reports?

No, we cannot create Dashboard using Standard Reports

While converting Lead--account,contact, opportunity is created ,at that time what is the default closeDate in Opportunity?

Created Date +2months

What is the Default time of ActionTimes?

60 sec

How many types of Buckets?

3 types---Numeric Buckets, Text Buckets, Picklist Bucket

Schedule a job to run second monday of every month at 10pm ,how can we do that using System.schedule method?

SampleSchedule ss = new sampleschedule();

     String sc = '0 0 22 ? * 2#2';


can we use  testmethod to test webservice  callouts?

Test methods can’t be used to test Web service callouts. Web service callouts are asynchronous, while unit tests are synchronous.

How many custom fields we create?

Upto 800

What is Test Class?

 To facilitate the development of robust, error-free code, Apex supports the creation and execution of unit tests.

Unit tests are class methods that verify whether a particular piece of code is working properly.

Unit test methods take no arguments, commit no data to the database, send no emails, and are flagged with the test Method keyword in the method definition.

Test methods cannot be used to test Web service callouts. Web service callouts are asynchronous, while unit tests are synchronous.

What is Batch Class?

 A developer can now employ batch Apex to build complex, long-running processes on the Force.com platform. For example, a developer could build an archiving solution that runs on a nightly basis, looking for records past a certain date and adding them to an archive. Or a developer could build a data cleansing operation that goes through all As ccounts and Opportunities on a nightly basis and reassigns them if necessary, based on custom criteria.

Batch Apex is exposed as an interface that must be implemented by the developer. Batch jobs can be programmatically invoked at runtime using Apex.

1. Start method-

global (Database.QueryLocator | Iterable<sObject>) start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {}

2. Execute method:

global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, list<P>){}

3. Finish method

global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){}

Important points that may ask in Salesforce interview

  • If a Controller Extension extends Standard Controller,the logic from the standard controller does not execute in system mode,instead its execute in user mode.In which the permissions, sharing rules,field level security of the current user apply.
  • The view State Size of visualforce page must be under 135kb.By reducing view state,page can be load quickly.
  • Use Transient Keyword in apex controllers to define variables,that aren't essential for state maintaining,aren't necessary during page refreshes.
  • In BatchApex,by using DATABASE.QUERYLOCATOR object  returns 50 millions of records,if more than 50 millions records are returned,batch job is immediately  terminated and marked a fail.
  • The Default Interval value for Apex:ActionPoller is 60 sec,its must be 5 sec  or greater .
  •  Use CustomController When you want to run visualforce page entirely on  system mode. 
  • All Asynchronous calls made after the starttest method is collected by the system.when stoptest method is executed,all asynchronous processes are run synchronous.
  • Any code that executes after the starttest method and before the  stoptest method is assigned to new governor limits.
  • SOSL query that is added to an apex test method returns a empty set of search results when testmethod executes.so use TEST.SETFIXEDSEARCHRESULTS system method to define a list of record id's that are returned by search.
  • To start an asynchronous execution of unit tests and check their results,by using ApexTestQueueItem and ApexTestResult.The maximum  number of test queue items and classes ,that you can insert into Apex job queue is greater of 500 or 10 multiplied by the number of test classes in the organization. 

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