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SFDC IQ-2 part1


 What is App in Sales force?

An app is a group of tabs that work as a unit to provide functionality. Users can switch between apps using the Force.com app drop-down menu at the top-right corner of every page.

You can customize existing apps to match the way you work, or build new apps by grouping standard and custom tabs.

Navigation to create app in Sales force: Setup ->Build ->Create->App-> Click on new and create your application according to your requirements.

 What is object in Sales force?

Custom objects are database tables that allow you to store data specific to your organization in salesforce.com. You can use custom objects to extend salesforce.com functionality or to build new application functionality.

Once you have created a custom object, you can create a custom tab, custom related lists, reports, and dashboards for users to interact with the custom object data. You can also access custom object data through the Force.com API.

Navigation to create object in sales force: Setup->Build->Create->Object-> Click on new object and create object according to your requirement.

 How many relationships included in SFDC & What are they? 

We are having two types of relationships, they are

Lookup Relationship

Master-Detail Relationship

  What is a “Lookup Relationship”?

This type of relationship links two objects together,

Up to  allowed for object

Parent is not a required field.

No impact on a security and access.

No impact on deletion.

Can be multiple layers deep.

Lookup field is not required.

 What is “Master-Detail Relationship”?

Master Detail relationship is the Parent child relationship. In which Master represents Parent and detail represents Child. If Parent is deleted then Child also gets deleted. Rollup summary fields can only be created on Master records which will calculate the SUM, AVG, MIN of the Child records.

Up to  allowed to object.

Parent field on child is required.

Access to parent determines access to children.

Deleting parent automatically deletes child.

A child of one master detail relationship cannot be the parent of another.

Lookup field on page layout is required.

 How can I create Many – to – Many relationship?

Lookup and Master detail relationships are one to many relationships. We can create many – to – Many relationship by using junction object. Junction object is a custom object with two master detail relationships.

  A custom object contains some records, now my requirement is to create field in this object with master detail relationship. Can we create master detail relationship in this case?

   No, directly we cannot create master details relationship if custom object contains existing records.

   Following are the steps to create to create master-detail relationship when records are available in custom object.

1.      First create field with lookup relationship.

2.      And then associate look field with parent record for every record

3.      Next change the data type of the field from look up to Master detail.

What is a dependent picklist?

– Dependent fields can help make your data more accurate and consistent by applying filters.

– A dependent field works in conjunction with a controlling field to filter its values. The value chosen in the controlling field affects the values available in the dependent field.

– 300 is the maximum number of values allowed in a controlling picklist

- A custom multi-select picklist cannot be the controlling field for a dependent field

Field Type
Controlling Field
Dependent Field
Standard Picklist
Custom Picklist
Custom Multi-Select
Standard Checkbox
Custom Checkbox

What are groups in SFDC and what is their use?

Groups are sets of users. They can contain individual users, other groups, the users in a particular role or territory, or the users in a particular role or territory plus all of the users below that role or territory in the hierarchy.

There are two types of groups:

Public groups: Only administrators can create public groups. They can be used by everyone in the organization.

Personal groups: Each user can create groups for their personal use. 

You can use groups in the following ways:

  • To set up default sharing access via a sharing rule
  • To share your records with other users
  • To specify that you want to synchronize contacts owned by others users
  • To add multiple users to a Salesforce CRM Content library
  • To assign users to specific actions in Salesforce Knowledge 

    What is Visualforce View State?
    Visualforce pages that contain a form component also contain an encrypted, hidden form field that encapsulates the view state of the page. This view state is automatically created, and as its name suggests, it holds the state of the page – state that includes the components, field values and controller state.

  • Minimize number of form on a page.  Use apex:actionRegion instead of using 2 or more forms.
  • Refine your SOQL to only retrieve the data needed by the page.
  • All public and private data members present in Standard, Custom and Controller extensions are saved.
  • The transient variables are not passed to view state and therefore not stored in View State. 
    On which tabs can I create multiple record types?
    –Multiple record types may be created for every tab, with the exception of the Home, Forecasts, Documents, and Reports tabs.

    What is a Role and Role Hierarchy?
    – Controls the level of visibility that users have to an organization’s data
    – A user may be associated to one role
    Role Hierarchy:
    – Controls data visibility
    – Controls record roll up – forecasting and reporting
    – Users inherit the special privileges of data owned by or shared with users below them in the hierarchy
    – Not necessarily the company’s organization chart
    • If using Customizable Forecasting, there is a separate forecast role hierarchy.
    • EE can create Account, Contact, Opportunity and Case Sharing Rules. PE can ONLY create Account and Contact Sharing Rules.
    • Assuming no sharing rules have been created, users in the same role cannot access one another’s records.
    Example: Org Wide Default settings for opportunities are private. Creating a role and adding two users to that role does not allow those users access to one another’s opportunities.
    • “Grant Access Using Hierarchies” allows you to disable the default sharing access granted by your role and territory hierarchies. This option can be changed for custom objects that do not have their organization-wide default sharing setting set to Controlled by Parent.

    What is Access at the Role Level?
    – Defined when creating a role
    – Level of access to Opportunities associated to Accounts owned by the role
    – Level of access to Contacts associated to Accounts owned by the Role
    – Level of access to Cases associated to Accounts owned by the role
    – Level of access options depend on OWD
    • You can create up to 500 roles for your organization
    • Every user must be assigned to a role, or their data will not display in opportunity reports, forecast roll-ups, and other displays based on roles
    • All users that require visibility to the entire organization should belong to the highest level in the hierarchy
    • It is not necessary to create individual roles for each title at your company, rather you want to define a hierarchy of roles to control access of  information entered by users in lower level roles
    • When you change a user’s role, any relevant sharing rules are evaluated to add or remove access as necessary

    What is a Sharing Rule?
    – Automated rules that grant access to groups of users
    – Exceptions to Organization Wide Defaults
    – Irrelevant for Public Read/Write organizations
    – Levels of Access that can be granted
    • Read Only
    • Read/Write
    • Sharing rules should be used when a user or group of users needs access to records not granted them by either the role hierarchy setup or the organization wide default settings.
    - Sharing rules open up access whereas organization wide defaults restrict access.
    - You can use sharing rules to grant wider access to data. You cannot restrict access below your organization-wide default levels.
    • Sharing rules apply to all new and existing records owned by the specified role or group members.
    • Sharing rules apply to both active and inactive users.
    • When you change the access levels for a sharing rule, all existing records are automatically updated to reflect the new access levels.
    • When you delete a sharing rule, the sharing access created by that rule is automatically removed.
    • When you transfer records from one user to another, the sharing rules are reevaluated to add or remove access to the transferred records as  necessary.
    • When you modify which users are in a group or role, the sharing rules are reevaluated to add or remove access as necessary.
    • For contact, opportunity and case sharing rules, if the role or group members do not have access to the account associated with the shared contact, opportunity or case the rule automatically gives them access to view the account as well.
    • Managers in the role hierarchy are automatically granted the same access that users below them in the hierarchy have from a sharing rule.
    • You can edit the access levels for any sharing rule. You cannot change the specified groups or roles for the rule.

    (35). Types of Sharing Rules in Salesforce and Explain it?
    Account Sharing Rules:
    – Based on who owns the account
    – Set default sharing access for accounts and their associated cases, contacts, contracts, and opportunities
    Contact Sharing Rules:
    – Based on who owns the contact (must be associated with an account)
    – Set default sharing access for individual contacts and their associated accounts
    – Cannot use with: Territory Management and B2I (Person Account) enabled orgs
    Opportunity Sharing Rules (EE/UE):
    – Based on who owns the opportunity
    – Set default sharing access for individual opportunities and their associated accounts
    Case Sharing Rules (EE/UE):
    – Based on who owns the case
    – Set default sharing access for individual cases and associated accounts
    Lead Sharing Rules (EE/UE):
    – Based on who owns the lead
    – Set default sharing access for individual leads
    Custom Object Sharing Rules (EE/UE):
    – Based on who owns the custom object
    – Set default sharing access for individual custom object records

    Uses cases for Sharing Rules in salesforce?
    – Organizations with organization-wide defaults of Public Read Only or Private can create sharing rules to give specific users access to data owned by other users.
    – Cases Sharing Example: To use cases effectively, customer support users must have read access to accounts and contacts. You can create account sharing rules to give your customer support team access to accounts and contacts when working on cases.
    – Account Sharing Example: The Western and Eastern Regional Directors need to see all of the accounts created by each others’ sales reps. You can create two public groups – one that includes the Western and Eastern Regional Director roles and one that includes the Western and Eastern Sales Rep roles. Then create an account sharing rule so that records owned by the Western and Eastern Sales Rep group are shared with the group containing the Western and Eastern Regional Director roles.

    What is a Case Queue?
    – A virtual storage bin that can be used to group cases based on criteria such as skill requirements, product categories, customer
    types, or service levels
    – Users have visibility into the Case Queues to which they are members
    – Cases remain in the Queue until they are assigned to or taken by individual users

    What is a Case Assignment Rule?
    – Determines how Cases are automatically routed to User or Queue
    – Contains Rule Entries, pre-defined business rules, that determine Case routing

    What is Web-to-Case?
    – A web form that is published to a web site
    – Customers use to submit inquiries online

    What is Email-to-Case?
    – Automatically create a case when an email is sent to one of your
    company’s email addresses, such as support@theblogreaders.com

    What are Auto-Response Rules?
    – Determines which Email Template to send to cases generated via Web-to-Case
    – Contains Rule Entries that determine criteria for determining Email Template response content

    What is an Escalation Rule?
    – Automatically escalates an unresolved Case within a certain period of time (age over)
    – Based on pre-defined business criteria

    What are Business Hours?
    – Set the organization’s hours of operation
    – Escalation Rule uses to determine when to escalate a Case
    – Include business hours in multiple time zones.
    – Associate cases with specific time zones
    – Escalate cases according to specific time zones

    What is a Solution?
    – An answer to a common question or problem
    – Enables Customer Support users get up to speed quickly
    – Enables Support teams to answer questions quickly and consistently
    – Customers search for and browse published Solutions to selfassist
    – Content-Rich Solutions are an enhancement to the Solution Object which allows solution writers to integrate rich text and
    images into their solutions to completely solve a problem

    What is a Category?
    – Mechanism to organize Solutions
    – Solutions may be associated to one or more Categories
    – Categories make up a Solution Category tree structure

    What are Suggested Solutions?
    – The suggested solutions feature displays up to ten relevant solutions that may help users and customers solve a particular case from the case detail page and the Self-Service portal.
    • Suggested Solutions can be enabled for the following:
    Cases tab
    Self Service Portal
    Case auto-response rules and emails

    What is the Self-Service Portal?
    – Authenticated portal
    – Provides 24/7 online support
    – Contains Public Knowledge Base, Suggested Solutions and Web-to-Case functionality

    What is the AppExchange?
    – A Website Owned and Operated by salesforce.com
    – Enables Partners and Customers to Download & Install
    • Custom Apps
    • Components
    – Dashboards, Reports,
    – Documents, Profiles,
    – S-Controls…
    – Public & Private Sharing
    – Free to Post and Download
    • Partners May Charge for Services

    Can we create Master Detail relationship on existing records?
    No. first we have to create the lookup relationship then populate the value on all existing record and then convert it.

    What are Relative Dates?
    – Used in Views and Reports for filtering
    – Dynamic date range, based on current date
    – Examples: This Week, Next Month, Last 90 Days

    Available Relative Date Filters (not case sensitive):
    • Today • Yesterday • Tomorrow
    • This Week • Last Week • Next Week
    • This Month • Last Month • Next Month
    • Last x Days • Next x Days
    • Quarter • Fiscal Quarter
    • Year • Fiscal Year

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