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Capgemini f2f Interview Questions

 Capgemini f2f Interview Questions 

1)Briefly explain about yourself?
2)What is salesforce architecture?
3)What all the services provided in cloud computing?
4)what all the services that salesforce supports?
5)what is the difference between profiles and roles?
6)what are web services? why we need to go for them? What is WSDL? What is SOAP? 
7) Here you attended capgemini written test. If you got selected here you will be sent to technical round..if you got selected in technical round then you will be sent to HP for client interview, because HP is client to capgemini. If you got selected finally.Then you will be put into work.  This is the scenario. which process do you apply here either "WORKFLOWS" or "APPROVALS".(I said approvals,i don't know whether it's correct or not).
8)How can you say that it's "APPROVAL"? (i said first we need to be approved in first round then only we will be sent to the next).
9) How you will make a class available to others for extension? (Inheritance concept)
10) In the process of creating a new record, how you will check, whether user has entered email or not in the email field of Account object?
11)How you will write a java script function that display an alert on the screen?
12)What is the value of "renderas" attribute to display o/p in the form of Excel Sheet?
13)How you will get the java script function into Visual-force page?
14)Can we create a dashboard using Visual-force page? and what all the components we use here?
15)What are web tabs?
16)How you will add an attachment from VF page? tell me the component names to achieve this functionality?
17)Security(OWD, Sharing Rules,Manual Sharing).
18)Rate yourself in salesforce?
19)what is your current package?
20)How much you are expecting?
21)You will be given pen and paper, they will ask you to write some simple code.

MSCI Telephonic Interview Questions

1)How u know about this job?

2)What do u know about the company?
3)About exp & education?
-Now technical side
4)Explain a simple apex class with an example which is used in current project?
5)How u execute it?
scenario 1: before & after triggers are available then which one execute first?
scenario 2: two different programs, two before triggers are there then which one execute first?
7)what is Validation rule?
8)shall we require any user permission for testing an application?
9)Have u used merge trigger, explain it
10)If we want huge(bulk) data to be update, can we do it with trigger?how?
11)Order of execution( Deployment)?
12)What are test cases, give an example
13)How to test a visualforce page?
14)Have u used Batch Apex? at what situation?
15)Diff b/w Batch & Scheduled Apex? when we use these?
16)what is the use of code coverage?
17)Code coverage & Its importance?
18)Have u worked on controllers? then mostly on which type of controllers?
19)Diff b/w Standard & Custom controllers?
20)when u used extension controller? why we go for this even we have above?
--then he asked qns on other technology experience?
So he moved to Java(spring, hibernate, JSF) (which are used in project)
21)what is Dependency Injection?types?
22)what is application context? & its use?
23)Hibernate DB connection?
Accenture Interview Questions
1)      What is Dynamic Approval process?
2)      Flow of execution in validations, triggers & workflows?
Ans: all before triggers,
All after triggers.
3)      Assignment process & validations.
4)      Difference between Trigger.new & Trigger.old?
5)      Trigger events? & context variables?
6)      Batch Apex?
7)      Will one workflow effects another workflow?
8)      Syntax for upsert & undelete trigger & Purpose undelete?
9)      Case management?
10)   If we want to upload data through DataLoader, what the changes to be done?

Cybage Interview Questions
1)What is the mechanism used in your project?
2) Where you involved in project? how you manage packages?
3) What is Custom portal?
4) What is your role & have you done any implementation?

HP Interview Questions
Asked about the differences in salesforce.com licence and force.com licence.
Asked about triggers.
Sales life cycle and sales cycle.
About workflow events
Opportunity stages and case stages
The projects worked on.
Auto populating the shipping address of to billing address.
Using data loader how the records were uploaded.
In data loader whats the sequence of getting the data. Like accounts, contacts.....
Restricting non administrative users from editing their user credentials.

1. About project?
2. What are standard objects used in your project?
3. Call outs?
4. Governor Limits?
5. Relationships
6. Different types of field types?
7. Data Migration?
8. Roll-up summary?

1. Salesforce knowledge? Custom settings.
2. How to get the list of all available sObject in Salesforce database using Apex (Dynamic Apex)?
3. Diff between Export & Export All?
4. When can I do a Full Sandbox refresh?
  Ans: 29 Days
5. Future Annotation?
6. Execution order of Workflow, Apex Triggers & Validation rules?
7. How to get parameters passed to URL in salesforce Apex?
Ans: email=Apexpages.Currentpage ().getParameters ().get (‘email’);
 8. View state Error?

1. How to retrieve sObjects from the salesforce using Dynamic Apex?
2. Test.StartTest & Test.StopTest?
3. How many controllers can be used in single Visualforce page?
4. Which is the most released Edition in terms of various limits?
5. 15-char & 18-char ID?
6. Schedule Apex?
7. Action Pollar?
8. Heap size?
9. with sharing & without sharing?

1. Diff between Modify data & Modify All?
2. Relationships?
3. Is it possible to convert Master-Detail to Look-up relationship?
4. Diff between Master-Detail & Look-up relationships?
5. What are custom settings?

Apex Callouts:
 An Apex callout enables you to tightly integrate your Apex with an external service by making a call to an external Websrevice or sending a HTTP request from Apex code & then receiving the response.

L& T Interview Questions

1)We have an object by default private and profile with Modify all
Data & view all permissions. Can we access object through that

2)To share a particular Apex class throught the project which
keyword can be used?
Ans: with sharing

3)how to maintain the security level settings to different
departments[HR, Tech, Developer] which are not hierarchy.

4)Can we change Formula field value through Apex?
Ans: No

5)How Recursive trigger will perform? & how to avoid?
Ans: To avoid, static variable 'locks' are used.

6)Two classes in that one with 0% code coverage & another with 90%
code coverage. Can we send it to production?

7)Can we add one Visualforce page into another visualforce page?
then how?

8)In field level security one field is set to hidden. Can we
access particular field through Apex code or Workflow?

9)Can we create a user with Trigger?

10) In How many way we can invoke the Apex class?
Ans:4 ways
Visualforce page
Web Services
Email Services


For Question number 7:

<apex:include pageName="yourSecondaryPageName">

<apex:page id="thePage">
<apex:outputText value="(page) This is the page."/><br/>
<apex:include pageName="includePage"/>

Total 4 visual pages to be createdand One class.
first vf page with following code

<apex:page controller="templateExample">

then write a class for controller templateExample

public class templateExample{

String name;
Boolean showGreeting = false;

public PageReference save() {
showGreeting = true;
return null;

public void setNameField(String nameField) {
name = nameField;

public String getNameField() {
return name;

public Boolean getShowGreeting() {
return showGreeting;
now create a vf page formtemplate.
Here we just submit user name.

<apex:page controller="templateExample">
<apex:form >
Enter your name:
<apex:inputText id="nameField" value="{!nameField}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"

in the above code value="{!nameField}" refers to 'name' in the
templateExample class.
now the time to create second vf page 'displayName'

<apex:page controller="templateExample">
<apex:include pageName="formTemplate"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onClick"

<apex:outputText id="greeting"
value="Hello {!nameField}"/>

1. OWD Sharing Rules, Profiles, Permissions in OWD.
2. Triggers à Undelete how long it will be available in Recycle bin?
3. Recursive Triggers?
4. Formula filed entered some numeric data is it possible to override that using Apex Code?
5. Batch Apex?                                                                                                                                     
6. Governor Limits à SOQL, SOSL, SOQL: For how many fields we can use a Query?
7. Change sets?
8. Relationships à Master-Detail Relationship?
9. Workflow à Outbound messages?
10. Dashboard components—Charts, Guages, Tables, Metrics
11. Add Error
12. Field Level Security
13. Roll-up Summary?
14. If 2 objects are created & gave same records in both is it possible to provide Master-Detail Relationship?

1)      What is Schema Builder?
Ans: Schema Builder makes it easier to visualize your objects, fields and relationships in an interactive Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

To launch Schema Builder, go to Setup | App Setup | Schema Builder. (The first time you launch, Schema Builder automatically lays out all of your objects based on their relationships, so it may take longer than usual to load.)
This eliminates the need to click from page to page to find the details of objects, fields, and relationships in your schema. The drag-and-drop interface lets you easily move objects around and saves the layout of your schema any time you move an object.
2)      What is the difference between Debug Logger & Developer Console?
3)      Difference between custom controller & extension controller? Why we use extensions?
4)      In VF page, we want to display 3 columns & the fields from 3 different objects. Then how can u display?

1)       Trigger should perform based on user requirement?
It should Trigger when user want to trigger & shouldn’t when trigger don’t want?
2)       What are default methods for Batch Apex?
Ans: start(), execute() and finish()
3)       Analytical snapshot?
4)       Types of Triggers?
5)       Other than Data Loader any other way to import Bulk Data?
6)       Explain any scenario occurred you to work beyond Governor Limits?
7)       How u will do Mass Insert through trigger?
8)       If I want to Insert, Update any record into ‘Account’. What trigger I have to use?

1. I have some workflow – I have one new rule -> I need to insert in the development console how can you achieve this?
2. Some bulk records opportunity account record I need to change owner name how to acive this?
3.  Difference between Database and reference?
4. I have a trigger how to integrate into Salesforce?

1. How to create subject dynamically?
2. Account object how to do create instance subject?
3. In how many ways to create Apex class?
4. What is the difference between database insert and insert?
5. What is the difference between role and profile?
6. How to read parameter in Apex?
7. What is the difference between lead and opportunity?
8. How to connect to lead? What option we have?
9. What is the difference between soap and rest?
10. What is the difference between Http and soap?
11. How to schedule the class?
12. What is the difference between external id and unique id?
13. Life cycle of apex class?
14. sandbox, production using same unique id?
15. Propertities in Apex? Advantages of properties?

  1. I have single user, two profiles, what is the approach?
  2. What is the difference between sales cloud and service cloud?
  3. We implement email functionality in the assignment rule so in assignment rule when ever case is created getting Assigned to queue but the owner of assignment go to xxx , assignment rule is assigned to yyy. but email rules working fine, Assignment rule working fine but assigned to xxx as per agreement rule it is assigned to yyy?
  4. What is the difference between Profile and Role?
  5. How many types of controllers?
  6. What is the difference between standard and custom controllers?
  7. Can u use multiple extensions in single visual force page?
  8. Explain integration?

    1. Write a trigger on a opportunity on through an error when opportunity stage =”closed won” or “closed lost” amount cannot have the chance.
    2. Write a trigger on case object to calculate case resolved type-time? (resolution time)
    3. Account Name unique.
    4. To place image and display site also?

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