Working with Modular Development and Unlocked Packages

This is the third installment in a series exploring how to begin incorporating packages into your app development lifecycle, and what adoption may mean for your team’s change management and release processes. In this post, we’ll look at building unlocked packages and working with versioning, as well as setting up dependencies between packages.
In the last post, we discussed how we approached segmenting an app into package modules. If you haven’t read that post yet, it’s a good idea to go check it out and come back here when you’re caught up.
Turning modules into packages
As I built, I could control which modules deployed and the order they deployed by modifying my sfdx-project.json. If I didn’t want a module to deploy, I removed its entry from the .json. When I wanted to deploy modules in a certain order — simulating my package installation order and testing my dependency management — I added individual modules into my sfdx-project.json one-by-one, and ran sfdx force:source:push in between each addition.
Once I felt reasonably confident in my deployment order and modules, I needed to turn my modules into packages.
Before you start to experiment with package creation and versioning, be aware that in Summer ’18, you can update the metadata in an unlocked package, but you cannot delete an unlocked package. Because I was using a dev hub intended for experimenting with packages, I had the luxury of not worrying that I was going to clutter up my team’s working environment with discarded packages. But even with that luxury, just three of us working on a handful of packaging experiments meant that a “simple” command like sfdx force:package:version:list returned quite a bit of junk. If you’d like to experiment with packaging, but don’t want to put those experiments into your production Dev Hub, I recommend using a trial Dev Hub environment. (Or, if you’re reading this after Summer ’18, go check and see if you can delete or deprecate unlocked packages.)
When it’s time to generate your packages, you’ll issue a series of force:package:create commands. During this step, you’ll want to pay attention to the location of the modules you want to package within your project’s root directory. At a high level, my project looked like this:

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