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top 60 salesforce admin interview questions and answers 2018

here I collect all salesforce admin interview questions and answers of latest interviews , I think this article is useful to all salesforce admin job seekers .

  1. Suppose If A Record Meets Workflow Criteria For Time Based Workflow Action, The Action Goes In Queue. Later, Before The Time Based Action Is Triggered, The Same Record Gets Modified And The Criteria Previously Met Is Changed And Now It Does Not Meet The Workflow Criteria. What Happens To The Time Based Action Placed In Queue?
Answer :
Simply the time based workflow action is removed from workflow queue and will not get fired.

  1. How To Clear The Time Based Workflow Action Queue?
Answer :
We can clear time based workflow action queue in two ways they are

1.Make the criteria false.
2.Removing scheduled actions from the queue.

  1. We Have “time Based Workflow” And There Is Action Scheduled To Be Executed. Can We Delete That Workflow?
Answer :
It is not possible to delete the workflow when the workflow is having any pending time dependent actions.

  1. We Have A “time Based Workflow” And There Is Action Scheduled To Be Executed. If We Deactivate The Workflow, Scheduled Actions Will Be Removed From Queue Or Not?

Answer :

Even after deactivating the the workflow, its action will not be removed. It’s still active in queue.

  1. In Which Criteria Of A Workflow – “time Dependent Workflow Action” Cannot Be Created ?
Answer :
Created, and every time it’s edited.

  1. What Is Time-dependent Workflow?
Answer :
Time dependent workflows are not executed independently. Time dependent workflows remain constant in the workflow queue as long as the workflow rule criteria is valid.
  1. What Is A Workflow Field Update?
Answer :
Field updates in workflow and approval processes specifies the field that we want updated and inserting the new value for it. Depending on the field type, we can choose the following options. They are apply a specific value, make the value blank, or calculate a value based on a formula you create.

  1. What Is A Workflow Alert?

Answer :

Email alert is one of the action used in workflow and approval. They are used to generate email template by a workflow rule or approval process and sent to destination recipients. We can send workflow email alerts  to users, contacts having an valid email address.
  1. What Is A Workflow Task?     Answer :
Workflow tasks in salesforce are used to assigns a task to users. Using tasks we can specify the Subject, Status, Priority, and Due Date of the task. Tasks are workflow & approval actions that are triggered by workflow rules or approval processes.
  1. What Are The Different Workflow Actions Available In Salesforce?
Answer :
1. Tasks.
2. Email alerts.
3. field updates.
4. Outbound messages

  1. Different Workflow Components Available In Salesforce?
Answer :
In salesforce.com. workflows consists of 5 components they are.

1.Workflow rules.
2.Workflow tasks.
3.Workflow Email alerts.
4.Workflow field updates.
5.Workflow Outbound messages

  1. What Is Workflow?

Answer :

Salesforce Workflow is a business logic that evaluates the records as they are created, updated in an object to apply automated process like Assigning Tasks, Emails, Field Update and outbound message sending.

  1. What Is Analytical Snapshot In Salesforce.com ?

Answer :

Analytical Snapshot in Salesforce are used to create reports on historical data.

  1. How To Enable “floating Report Header”?

Answer :

To enable floating report header in salesforce go to Setup=>Customize=>Reports and Dashboards=>User Interface settings=>Click on enable floating report header.

  1. What Is The Use Of “floating Report Header”?

Answer :

Floating report headers enables us to display the column header visible on each page when we scroll the report page.

  1. Which Permission Is Required To Set The Running User Other Than You In Dashboard?

Answer :

The user must have “View All Data” permission is required to set the running users.

  1. Who Can Access “drag And Drop Dashboard”?

Answer :

User who have permissions in managed dashboard can access drag and drop dashboard.

  1. Explain Dynamic Dashboard.?

Answer :

Dynamic dashboards in Salesforce displays set of metrics that we want across all levels of your organization.

Dynamic Dashboards in salesforce are Created to provide security settings for the dashboards in salesforce.com. We may have a requirement in an organization to “view all data” by every user in an organization according to their access we have to select Run as Logged-in User. There are two setting option in Dashboards. They are

1.Run as specified User.
2.Run as Logged-in User.

  1. Can We Schedule Dynamic Dashboards?

Answer :

No, we can not schedule dynamic dashboards for refresh. It must be done manually.

  1. What Are The Different Dashboard Components?

Answer :

Salesforce dashboard components are used to represent data. Salesforce dashboards have some visual representation components like graphs, charts, gauges, tables, metrics and visualforce pages. We can use up to 20 components in single dashboard.

  1. What Are Dashboards?

Answer :

Salesforce Dashboards are the graphical representation and visual presentation of reports data in salesforce.

  1. Is It Possible To Delete Reports Using Data Loader?

Answer :

No, it is not possible to delete reports using data loaders.

  1. What Is A Bucket Field In Reports?

Answer :

In salesforce reports, bucket fields are used to categorize reports records . When we use bucket field in reports there is no need of creating formula or a custom field.

  1. Who Can Run Reports?

Answer :

In Salesforce.com, most reports run automatically when we click on the report name. If we want to run a report click on “Run Report” to run automatically.

  1. What Are Custom Report Types?

Answer :

Custom report types in salesforce allows us to build framework in the report wizard when creating custom reports. This custom reports can be created between standard and custom objects.

  1. What Is Trend Report?

Answer :

Trend reports in salesforce are those which displays historical data. Trend reports are used to analyse which fields contains data that we want to leave out.

  1. What Is A Matrix Report?

Answer :

Matrix reports is salesforce are those where the data is arranged in grid format having rows and columns. Data is arranged vertically and horizontally in tables like excel format.

  1. What Are Custom Reports?

Answer :

Custom reports in salesforce are those created by user with specific criteria. These type of report can be deleted, edited and stores in personal folders.

  1. What Are Standard Reports?
Answer :
Standard reports in salesforce are those provided by salesforce.com. These type of reports can not be deleted and used primarily for creating custom reports.
  1. What Are Different Kinds Of Reports?
Answer :

There are three types of reports in salesforce.com they are

1.Tabular reports.
2.Summary reports.
3.Matrix reports

  1. A Custom Object Contains Some Records, Now My Requirement Is To Create Field In This Object With Master Detail Relationship.?
Answer :
No. we can no create master detail relationship first create look up relationship and associate look fields for every parent record and then convert this to Master detail relationship.

  1. Can We Create Master Detail Relationship On Existing Records?

Answer :

Yes, It is possible to create Master-Detail Relationship on existing record. First we have to create Look-Up relationship to a  record then convert it to master-Detail Relationship.

  1. Define Various Characters Of Roll-up Summary Field?

Answer :

1.Roll-Up Summary field can be created only in a object which is referred as a object with a master detailed relationship field.
2.Roll-Up Summary field can only created for Master-detail Relationship.
3.Roll-Up Summary field can not be  created for Look-up Relationship.
4.It Derives the data from child Object.
5.We can’t change field type of a field that we reference in a roll-up summary field.
6.Auto numbers are not available here.
7.Roll-Up Summary fields are not available for mapping lead fields of converted fields.

  1. What Is A “self Relationship”?

Answer :

Self Relationship is nothing but creating relationship between two same objects. This Self Relationship is a Look-up Relationship to the same object.

  1. In Partner Community, External User Is Having Appropriate Owd And Profile Settings For Opportunity Or Consider Any Other Object. However They Are Getting Insufficient Privilege Access, What Might Be Cause Of This Error ?

Answer :

1.First check that every field used in report has Field level security for external users.
2.Check whether Standard Report Visibility settings are enabled, if it is enabled user can be able to see reports which are based on standard report types.
3.Now external user can be able to access sensitive information of internal user.

  1. While Setting Owd (organization Wide Sharing), Can We Change/modify The Setting Of Child Record In Case Of Master-detail Relationship?

Answer :

No, we can not change the settings of child record in Master Detail relationship because child record is controlled by parent record.

  1. How Can You Change The Setting “grant Access Using Hierarchies” For Standard Objects?

Answer :

It is not possible , by default Grant Access Using Hierarchies options are enabled for standard objects and they can not be changed.For custom objects we can change “Grant Access Using Hierarchies “settings .

  1. Best Practices Of Creating Contact Sharing Rules?

Answer :

Organization wide default settings are used to set red, write, read/write permissions

  1. What Is A Role And Role Hierarchy?

Answer :

Salesforce uses role hierarchy to automatically to grant access to users by default. We can not edit Grant Access using Hierarchies for standard objects and can edit Grant Access using Hierarchies check box for Standard objects.

  1. What Are Login Hours And Login Ip Ranges?

Answer :

    • Login hours are set in an organization to restrict the user’s who tries to login before or after login hours.
    • To set login hours in an organization go to Setup=>Administration=>Manage users=>Profiles.
    • IP ranges are used to restrict any login attempt is done from unknown IP addresses. Usually organizations maintain login IP ranges.
    • To set Login IP ranges in salesforce go to Setup=>Administration Setup=>Manage Users=> Profiles.
  1. Tell Me About Field-level Security?

Answer :

In field level security, we control the user what to see, edit, delete of a particular field in the object.

  1. How Can You Define Field Dependency?

Answer :

In Field dependency, we have to fields controlling filed and dependent field. When a selection is made the controlling field controls dependent picklist values.

Ex:- When a country is selected in dependent picklist then the states are available to that country. Here country is controlling field and State is dependent field.

  1. Difference Between Profiles And Permission Sets?

Answer :

Permission Sets : In this Permission sets we define the access level of the user. Generally we determine what a user can do in the applications. These are used to grant additional permission to a user.

Profiles : In Object level Security, Profiles are assigned to the user by system administrator. A profile can be assigned to many users where as a user can have only one Profile.

  1. What Is Permission Set?

Answer :

Permission sets in salesforce.com are the combination of different settings and permission sets given to user to access records and files.

Note :- Manual sharing is available for only Organization wide default settings are private to the object.

  1. Which Fields Are Indexed By Default In Salesforce?

Answer :

Salesforce indexed some fields by default they are Id, name, owner fields, lookup fields, master-detail relationship fields, audit dates like Last Modified dates.

  1. What Are Static Resources?

Answer :

Static resources helps to store upload images, files, zip files, documents, javascript files, Css Files which can be used in visualforce pages. Maximum data storage limit for static resource is 250mb.

  1. How To Delete User From Salesforce?

Answer :

In salesforce.com, deleting a user is not possible. But the user can be deactivated by freezing that user in salesforce. To deactivate user go to Setup=>Administer=>Manage users=>Users=>Click on Freeze.

  1. What Is Page Layout And Record Types?

Answer :

Page Layout :- In page layout customization can be done like fields, related lists, custom links can be arranged.

Record Types :- Record types in salesforce helps to implement business processes like defining picklist values for standard and custom pick lists.

  1. How Can You Use The Term “transfer Record” In Profile?

Answer :

Transfer record  is a type of permission in salesforce. If a user is is given access to transfer a record then the user will have the ability to transfer the records which have Read access.

  1. Difference Between Role And Profile?

Answer :

Roles :- Using we can provide record level access like organization wide defaults, Role hierarchy, sharing rules and Manual sharing. Simply roles influences record level access.

Profiles :- Using  profile object level and field level access can be made like general permissions, tab level permissions, read & write permissions etc.

  1. How Many Custom Fields Can I Created In An Object?

Answer :

In Unlimited edition we can create up to 500 fields per object. In professional edition we can create up to 100 custom fields per object.

  1. List Examples Of Custom Field Types?

Answer :

Some of the custom field types are date field, Date/Time field, Currency field, Checkbox field, Number field, Text field, Pick list field, Email field, percent fields, phone field, Url field and many more.

  1. What Is App In Sales Force?

Answer :

App means an Application. In Salesforce an Application consists a group of tabs which are designed to work as a single function. We have number of applications in Salesforce.com some of them are sales, marketing, chatter, site.com, work.com etc.

We can create new application and also customization for the existing apps in Salesforce.com. To create new app in sfdc go to Setup=>Build=>Create=>App.

  1. What Is Salesforce?

Answer :

Salesforce is one of the best customer relationship management (CRM) tool. Salesforce is among one of the best web based flexible and powerful database provider available in the market.

  1. Difference Between Public And Private Cloud?

Answer :

Public cloud can be available to people across the world. In this Public Cloud the user has no control over the resources. Where Private Cloud Can be accessed only within the limited premises. In Private cloud Cloud Services Providers Cloud infrastructure to particular Organization or Business specially. This Cloud infrastructure is not provided to others.

  1. What Is Hybrid Cloud?

Answer :

Hybrid Cloud is the combination of number of clouds of any type but the cloud has the ability to allow data and / or applications to be moved from on cloud to another cloud. Hybrid Cloud is a combination of (Public Cloud ,Private Cloud, Community Cloud). Here API is used as an interface between public and Private Cloud.

  1. What Is Public Cloud?

Answer :

Public cloud can be available to people across the world. In this Public Cloud the user has no control over the resources.

  1. What Is The Definition Of Crm?

Answer :

 “Cloud Computing definition given by NIST (US National Institute of Standards and Technology) : Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction“.

  1. What Are The Advantages Of Cloud Computing?

Answer :

Cloud computing has made tremendous growth in processing power, reliability of the Internet and the great increase in broadband speeds.

It makes tremendous sense to make use of the centralized server of the provider of cloud computing services as not only does it reduce the costs by a great extent by making redundant the need to buy several software licenses, it also eliminates the huge costs required by an organization to maintain and upgrade existing software.

  1. Expand Crm And Briefly Explain About Crm ?

Answer :

Full form for CRM or Acronym for CRM is “Customer Relationship Management “. We can understand from the full form where CRM is an application used to automate Sales and marketing functions by a using a Software called CRM Software. BY using CRM Software every Company / Organization plans to increase their revenues and profits. This strategy of increasing revenue is done mainly by attracting Customers, clients, Sales etc.

  1. What Is Cloud Computing?

Answer :

“Cloud Computing is a new trend in IT development, deployment, Delivery module of business Products, Services that are provided over the internet that are been used by the real time User“

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