Question :-

How many characters are there in the Salesforce case-insensitive id field of an object?


Question :-

Name the prefix used by standard VisualForce markup tags. Select the one correct answer?


Question :-

 Which of the following cannot be included in a VisualForce page? Select the one correct answer. "

  a)Java         b)HTML     C)FLASH


Question :-

To create a new VisualForce page HelloWorld in development mode, which URL should be appended to server address?

 apex/HelloWorld .

Question :-

What is the maximum size of a VisualForce page?

 15MB  .

Question :-

 What is the number of components that can be added to a dashboard?


Question :-

Which is the first step when creating reports?

 select object on which reports needs to be generated .

Question :-

 Which of these is not a valid report type. Select the one correct answer?

 a)Tabular     b)Summary        c)Matrix      d)Detailed


Question :-

 Which report type is used to group rows of data and show their subtotals. Select the one correct answer ?


Question :-

" Which report type is used to group rows and columns of data and show their subtotals. Select the one correct answer. "

 Matrix  .

Question :-

 Which report type does not allow generation of charts?

 Tabular .

Question :-

In the statement below, controller refers to what type of controller?

 Custom Controller .

Question :-

Which of the following represent correct syntax to display first name from global variable user? Select the one correct answer ?

 " {!$User.FirstName} "