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Salesforce Data Migration | 15 Tips & Tricks to Prepare the data before the Data Migration/Import

Salesforce Data Migration | 15 Tips & Tricks to Prepare the data before the Data Migration/Import

Step 1 - Remove columns which are not required or are empty in CSV: Remove all the columns which you don’t require in your Salesforce org or which are empty in the CSV file which you are importing.

Step 2- De-Duplicate the records in CSV: Remove all duplicate records from CSV file to avoid the duplicates in Salesforce

Step 3 - Set the right owners of the records: Set the owner id for every record if in some cases it is blank then the person who is importing the file is set to be the owner of the record.

Step 4- Format the date and date/time fields according to user’s locale: While importing the CSV file in salesforce keep in mind to convert the date/time field according to user locale and convert the time-zone to UTC format.

Step 5- Select or Create unique identifiers carefully: Select the appropriate field which can be set as an external id in salesforce which means that the record can be uniquely identified by salesforce and do not create duplicate records while importing.

Step 6 - Concatenate or Split the fields like Phone Number, Address, and Name: First, we have to analyze the fields in Salesforce and according to which we have to concatenate and split the fields in CSV file

Step 7- Avoid missing leading zeroes in phone numbers & zip codes: Take care of the leading Zeroes in Phone number & zip-code fields because excel automatic removes the leading zeroes from the field.

Step 8- Check emails are in the proper format: Check that the emails are in the proper format because if they are not then import process can get failed.

Step 9 - Ensure that the data matches field length restrictions of Salesforce: Check whether the data is violating the field length restrictions of salesforce or not because if it is so then the import process may get failed.

Step 10- Standardize the picklist values(especially for Country & State picklists): Before importing the data into Salesforce first we have to standardize the value for that field.

Step 11- Check that the required fields are not missing: Check that the required fields in the salesforce are not missing while importing the data which led to import

Step 12- Verify that the data passes validation rules or is there a need to deactivate them: While importing the data check whether the data passes the validation rule or not if not then we can deactivate them when we are importing the data and then again activate them

Step 13- Change the column headers to match the field names in salesforce: By changing the column headers to field name will help in mapping the field in Salesforce

Step 14 - Maintain a naming convention for all the CSV files, to be managed: It will help in to identify the different files

Step 15 - Always import the legacy ID’s even if you think it is not required: It helps in differentiating the record and various tasks.
check this video:

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