Salesforce Apex Interview questions

Welcome to Salesforce Apex Interview questions. In this Salesforce Interview questions we have listed some Interview questions on Apex basics. Answers for every Salesforce Apex Interview questions will be updates very soon.

  • What is Apex ?

Salesforce Apex language is a multi-purpose programming language and exists in multi-tenant Environment. Every Resource that executed using Apex Programming language are effectively controlled for high quality of service to all Salesforce developers.

  • What API is used in the apex?
  • What are the access modifiers in the apex?
  • What is the difference between With Sharing and Without Sharing ?
  • What is a constructor?
  • What is the use of the static variables?
  • What are reference variables in apex?
  • What are Sobjects?
  • What is the difference between List and Set?
  • What is Map in apex?
  • Can we have duplicate Keys in Map
  • How many objects we can store in list ?
  • What are setter and getter methods?
  • How do you refer to current page id in apex?
  • How to do you invoke standard actions in apex class?
  • What is page reference?
  • How do you pass the parameters from on apex class to another to another?
  • What is virtual class?
  • What is interface?
  • What is abstract class?
  • What is overloading?
  • What is overriding?
  • When we invoke with sharing method in without sharing class .Now method is Executed as?
  • Will the inner class inherits the sharing properties of outer class?
  • Base class is declared as With Sharing and Derived class is declared as without
  • Sharing what will happen?
  • Can I have constructor with parameters in apex?
  • Dereferencing a Null pointer value error?