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latest Top 23 Salesforce Interview Questions & Answers

Top 23 Salesforce Interview Questions & Answers

1) Explain what is sales force?

Salesforce is a CRM delivered as a software-as-a-service (SaaS).

2) Explain what is a custom object in sales force?

Custom objects are nothing but database tables. It stores data related to your company in Salesforce.com. Once you have defined custom object you can do following things like

Create custom fields

Associate the custom object with other records

In custom related lists, it display the custom object data

For custom object, records track events and tasks

Build page layouts

For the custom object create a custom tab

To analyze custom object data create dashboards and reports

Share your custom tabs, custom apps, custom objects and any other related components

3) Explain what is object relationship overview?

Object relationship overview in Salesforce is used to link custom object records to standard object records in a related list. In simple words, it is helpful to track product defects associated with customer cases. You can define different types of relationship by creating custom relationship fields on an object.

4) Mention changing what may cause data loss?

Data loss may cause due to following reasons

Changing data and date-time

Altering to percent,number and currency from other data types

Changing from multi-select picklist, checkbox, auto number to other types

Altering to multi-select picklist from any type except picklist

Changing to auto-number except from text

Changing from text-area to e-mail, phone, URL and text

5) How SaaS can be helpful to Sales force?

As SaaS is a subscription based, customers can always choose not to renew if they are dissatisfied

Customers can avoid a large initial investment in an IT infrastructure and day to day hustle of maintaining infrastructure

SaaS customer provides same provider infrastructure and also easy integration

SaaS applications use a simple internet interface that makes easier for customer to use.

SaaS always provide a latest platform to the customer with innovation.

6) How sales force is useful in tracking sales?

Sales force records all the basic details like the number of customers served daily, daily sales volume, sales manager detailed reports, sales numbers in each month or quarter.  Also, it keeps a track on the repeat customer, which is key to success for any sales organization.

7) Mention how many relationship is included in SFDC and what are they?

There are two types of relationships

Master detail relationship

Lookup relationship

8) Mention what is the difference between isNull and isBlank?

isNull: It supports for number field

isBlank: It supports for Text field

9) Explain what is the trigger?

Trigger is a code that is executed before or after the record is updated or inserted

10) Mention what is the use of the static resource in Salesforce?

With the help of static resources, you can upload zip files, images, jar files, JavaScript and CSS files that can be referred in a visual force page. The optimum size of static resources for an organization is 250 mB.

11) Mention what is the difference between force.com and Salesforce.com?

Force.com is PaaS (Platform as a Service) while Salesforce.com is SaaS ( Software as a Service).

12) Mention what are the actions available in workflow?

Actions available in workflow are

Email Alert


Field Update

Outbound Message

13) Explain what is the limit of data.com records that can be added to Salesforce?

User can see their limit form setup, by clicking data.com administration/Users.  From the data.com users section, user can see their monthly limit and how many records are exported during the month.

14) Mention what are the different types of custom settings in Salesforce?

Different types of custom settings in Salesforce includes

Hierarchy type

List type

15) Mention what are the three types of object relations in Salesforce?

Different types of object relations in Salesforce includes

One to many

Many to many

Master detail

16) Mention what are the different types of reports available in Salesforce?

Different types of reports available in Salesforce are

Tabular report: It displays the grand total in the table form

Matrix report: It is a detailed report in which the grouping is done based on both rows and columns

Summary report: It is a detailed form of the report in which the grouping is done based on columns

Joined report: With this two or more reports can be joined in the single reports

17) Is it possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce?

No, it is not possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce.

18) What does it indicate if an error state this “list has no rows for assignment”?

The error that tells “list has no rows for assignment” indicates that the list you are trying to access has no values in it.

19) Explain what the junction object is and what is the use?

Junction objects are used to build many-to-many relationships between objects.  You can take a recruiting application example, where a position for a job can be linked to many candidates and in the same manner a candidate can be linked to the different positions. So, to connect this data model, you need a third party object, this object is referred as junction object.  Here “job application” is the junction object.

20) Explain what is Audit trail?

Audit trail function is helpful in knowing the information or track all the recent setup changes that the administration does to the organization.  It can store last 6 months data.

21) Explain what is dashboard?

Dashboard is the pictorial representation of the report, and we can add up to 20 reports in a single dashboard.

22) Explain how many controllers can be used in a visual force page?

As Salesforce comes under SaaS, one can use only one controller and as many extension controller.

23) Mention what is the difference between SOQL and SOSL?

  SOQL ( Salesforce Object Query Language)

SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language)

Only one object at a time can be searched

Query all type of fields

It can be used in triggers and classes

DML operation can be performed on query results

 Many objects can be searched at a time

Query only e-mail, phone and text

It can be used in classes but not in triggers

DML operation cannot be performed on search result

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