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Types of Organizations in Salesforce ? || INTERVIEW STUFF || BASICS OF SFDC

Types of Organizations in Salesforce ?

Salesforce.com offers different types of Organizations which are used in different purposes. No company will have same types of Organization, based on the requirement an additional fee must be paid. In Salesforce.com we have different types of organizations in salesforce some of them are Production organization, sandbox organization, Developer organization, Partner Developer organization, Pre-Release Organization.

Production Organization.

Production Organizations in salesforce is the most used by users to perform their daily activities. Users can log into the production Org at https://login.salesforce.com. All usernames must be unique across all production Orgs.

Sandbox Organization.

Sandbox organizations in salesforce can create multiple copies of your production Org for development, configuration, testing and/or training without affecting your production configuration and data. The edition that your company purchased may be entitled to sandboxes or you can purchase additional sandboxes.

    Users can log into sandbox Organizations at https://test.salesforce.com.

    Professional, Group, or Personal Orgs do not have access to sandboxes.

    Full copy sandboxes can be refreshed from your production Org every 29 days while developer and configuration-only sandboxes can be refresh from production daily.

Developer Organization.

A developer Organization is a free, non-expiring copy of an Enterprise Edition environment that you can use to instantly start developing, testing and deploying your applications. In Developer Orgs only we can develop applications can create Apex, Visualforce, Web services API, Sites, pre-installed applications (Sales, Marketing, Ideas, Customer Portal, etc), licenses for numerous salesforce.com products (CRM, Mobile, Partner, etc.) and much, much more. Only Developer and Partner Developer Orgs can be used to create managed packages for distribution.

To sign up for Developer Organization user can log on to http://developer.force.com to get free developer edition link.

Partner Developer Organization.

Partner Developer organization is a free Developer Org with more storage, features and licenses for companies who are enrolled in the partner program.

Pre-release Organization.

A pre-release Organization is a limited time Org that allows user to test new features or functionality typically associated with a pilot program or an upcoming release. These are special cases and you will most likely need to signup for these Orgs or contact salesforce.com support.

Users can log into pre-release Organization at https://prerellogin.pre.salesforce.com

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