1.) Suppose you are the standard user, you have all the CRED permissions on CAMPAIGN object but you don't have access to create a record, why?
Ans:) marketing user option should be checked for that user to access the CAMPAIGN object.
2.) In approval process, suppose three persons has to approve, if majority people approve then it should approve otherwise it should not be approve?
Ans:) Using standard approval process it is not possible, using dynamic approval process it is possible. In standard approval process all users should approve then only record will get approve.
3.) If the OWD for account object is private then is it possible to access the account record by other users apart form the owner?
Ans:) 1. All the people above the role hierarchy, they can access the records.
2. By using sharing rules, we can share those records to other users.
3. Account Team members they can access these records.
4.) If I put "renderas" attribute as "PDF" then it displays PDF document,But i want the same in MSword format.Then how you will do this?
A)<apex:page contentType="application/msWord" cache="true">
<!-- Begin Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
This is your new Page
<apex:commandButton value="Button" action="{!method1}"/>
<!-- End Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
Without "cache" attribute also it works, But in some browsers it doesn't work without "cache" attribute.
5.) If there is a validation rule if amount = 100 then it should display error msg, Then I saved the record by giving value as 1000 then I had written a workflow if amount > 100 then I am updating amount field value with 100. Then what will be the result?
A) First validation rules will get execute then workflow rules will be execute so the answer is 100 (Even though there is validation rule because of the workflow it will accept 100 in amount field.
6.) What is the difference between task and event?
Task: Task is nothing but work assigned to a particular person, it doesn't have certain time limit.
Event: It has certain time limit in that time only all persons should assemble after the time limit over, event will get complete.
7.) What the record criteria meets for a time dependent workflow email has submitted in queue which will trigger the email in one month later somebody modified the record which won't meet the time dependent workflow rule criteria, what will happen?
Email won't be triggered since workflow criteria is not satisfied for the record, salesforce will remove the action to send the email from the queue.
7.) How many ways we can make field mandatory, if the field is mandatory at page layout level and if we try to inert records through data loader with out populating those mandatory fields what will happen?
In following ways we can make fields mandatory:
1. At Field Level.
2. At the page layout level.
3. Through validation rules.
If the field is mandatory at page layout level then only while inserting records from page layout level if we won't populate the fields with values it will trow error. If we insert records from data loader it won't throw. Even if we mention the record type while inserting record through program it will trow error message.