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1. Compare Salesforce Dev and Salesforce Adv Dev
Salesforce Dev 401
Salesforce Adv Dev 501
What you learn?
Building customized applications, analytical functions
Apex scripts, Developer console, deploying MVC architecture
Who can learn?
Software & IT professionals
App & CRM developers, system admin
What is the average salary?
$99,000 per annum
$141,000 per annum
2. What is the benefit of Salesforce CRM?
Here are some of the top benefits of Salesforce CRM
Ensuring faster and better sales opportunity.
Deploying an analytical approach to customer acquisition.
Reducing cost and improving customer satisfaction.
Automation of repetitive and less important tasks.
Improved efficiency and enhanced communication on all fronts
3. What are custom objects in Salesforce?
Simply put custom objects are the database tables in Salesforce. All the data related to the enterprise can be stored in Salesforce.com. These custom objects have to be defined first and then the following steps need to be taken:
  • Join records with custom objects.
  • The custom object data are displayed in custom lists.
  • Create a custom tab for custom object.
  • Building page layouts.
  • Creating dashboard & report for analyzing custom object.
  • The custom tab, app and object can be shared
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4. Define Object relationship overview
In Salesforce you can link the standard and custom object records in a related list. It is done by Object relationship overview. Various types of relationships can be created in order to connect the specific business cases with specific customers. It is possible to create custom relationship on an object and define various relationship types.
5. Explain the advantages of Salesforce SaaS functionality?
Some of the main benefits of Salesforce SaaS are:
  • A pay-as-you-go model perfectly suited for all customers.
  • No hassle of infrastructure management.
  • All applications are accessed via internet.
  • Easy integration between various applications.
  • Latest features are provided without any delay.
  • Guaranteed uptime and security.
  • Scalable performance for various operations.
  • Ability to access via mobile devices from anywhere
6. How Salesforce deploys sales tracking?
Salesforce is very meticulous when it comes to recording intricate details like sales numbers, customer details, customers served, repeat customers, in order to create detailed reports, charts and dashboards for keeping track of sales.

7. How many relationships are present in Salesforce?
The two important relationships in Salesforce include:
  1. Lookup relationship.
  2. Master detail relationship
8. What is a Trigger in Salesforce?
A Trigger is just a code that is executed before or after a record is inserted or updated.
9. Explain the various Standard Profiles in Salesforce?
  • System Administrator – Customization and administration of the application.
  • Standard User – Can edit, view, update or delete one’s own record.
  • Read Only – Able to just view the records.
  • Solution Manager – Comes with standard user permission but also can manage categories and published solutions.
  • Marketing User – Is able to import leads into the organization along with standard user permissions
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10. Explain the Force.com platform
Force.com is the entire infrastructure and codebase on which the complete Salesforce application exists. In other words Salesforce is built on Force.com which is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that lets to simplify the design, development and deployment of cloud-based applications and websites. Salesforce developers can work with Cloud Integrated Development Environment and deploy the applications on the Force.com servers
11. List the various types of Reports available in Salesforce
Tabular report : In this the grand total is displayed in a table format.
Matrix report : An in-depth report wherein the there is both row –based and column-based grouping.
Summary report : A report in which the grouping is on the column basis.
Joined report : A joining of two or more reports into one
12. How many reports can be added to the Salesforce dashboard?
A Salesforce Dashboard can be seen as a visual and pictorial representation of a report with the facility to add up to 20 reports within a single dashboard.
13. Explain the various dashboard components?
the various Dashboard components are explained below:
Chart : it is used for showing data graphically.
Gauge : it is used for showing a single value within a range of custom values.
Metric : this is used for displaying a single key value – it is possible to click empty text field next to grand total and enter the metric label directly on components. All metrics placed above and below one another in dashboard column would be displayed as a single component.
Table : Showing report data in column form using the Table.
Visualforce Page : It is used for creating custom component or showing information not available in other component type.
Custom S – component: this contains the content that is run or displayed in a browser like Excel file, ActiveX Control, Java applet or custom HTML web form.
14. What is Visualforce in Force.com?
The Visualforce can be defined as the user interface for the Force.com platform. It is a component-based framework that can include over 100 built-in components. It includes a tag-based markup language and each Visualforce tag corresponds to a page or field.
The Visualforce framework works on the standard MVC paradigm. It is possible to have a tight integration with the database and also deploy auto-generated controllers for database objects. Developers can use Apex codes to write own controllers. It is also possible to access AJAX components or create your own components.
15. List the various object relations in Salesforce?
  • One to many.
  • Many to many.
  • Master detail
16. What is a static resource in Salesforce?
A static resource lets you upload content that is in the form of .jar, .zip format, style sheets, JavaScript and so on. It is recommended to deploy a static resource rather than uploading file to the Documents tab since it is possible to package a set of files into a directory hierarchy and upload it. These files can be easily referred to in a Visualforce page.
17. Differentiate between Salesforce Object Query & Object Search language?
Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) lets you search only one object whereas the Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) lets you search multiple objects. You can query all types of fields in SOQL but you can query only text, email and phone number in SOSL. Data Manipulation Language operations can be performed on query results but not on search results.

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