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Salesforce To Salesforce || SFDC

Salesforce To Salesforce

Introduction :- Salesforce to Salesforce enables you to share records among the business partners.


To establish connection from one organization to another salesforce organization ,we need to enable settings first in both organizations.

Set up--> AppSetup-->Customize-->Salesforce to Salesforce--> Settings.

After enabling settings we need to add another salesforce organization Name and it's Email as Contact in to parent salesforce organization.


Now you can find Tab 'Connections', add that Tab to Tabs bar.

Step3:-  Sending Invitation to another organization.

Now click on 'Connection Tab',click on New--> Select  the contact ,that we have created as per in earlier step--> Click on Save&Send Invite.

Then Email will send to Email,which is associated in that contact.


In that Email,we can get an Link,Click on link and give the login details of client (add contact  sales force organization login details).Now you can see the connection invitation in child salesforce organization.

Click on Accept,Now this allows you to share lead, opportunity, account, contact, task, product, opportunity product, case, case comment, attachment, or custom object records with your business partners. With Salesforce to Salesforce, you can share records with one or more connections, and each connection can accept records you share with them - even if other connections have accepted the same record.

Step 5:- I want to share Accounts

First publish this object from parent connection,for that

Click connection detail page,there you can find the Related list "Publish Object",there you can find button 'publish/unpublish'.Click on that button ,then in new window you can see all the available objects for connection.select Account click on Save.

Now goto business partner Organization,on Connection Detail page you can find related list for Subscribe object, click on button 'subscribe/unsubscribe',click on that button,select object from pick list and click on save. Now to share account records goto parent Salesforce organization ,select Account records from list view of Account records and click on 'Forward to Connections', there you can find list of  Available connections in your organization,select organization and click on save.

Then that Account record will be created in Account object of the business partner.

In this way we can share account records from parent org to business partner organization.

Step 5:- I want to share  contact and opportunities associated with an Account record

We can achieve this by publishing contacts and opportunity objects to business partner and he must subscribe to that objects also.Now send the account record which is associated with above contact and opportunity objects as we discuss in earlier step.

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