REST API with oAuth

Problem Statement

The REST API provides you with a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for interacting with 

To use the REST API, it is essential to have valid Access token/Session Id for each call but SFDC documentation does not explain how to get access-token using username/password with the oAuth. 

Following solution explains how to obtain the access token using username/password and fetching the profile details along with User count.

Advantage with REST API is does not have SOQL governor limit with the Aggregate query.


Step1: Create Remote Access Setting into SFDC

Step2: Create Token Request by using username/password


Var authinfo ;


                                url : '',

                                method : 'POST',


                                params : {

                                                grant_type : 'password',

                                                client_id: '3MVG9FS3IyroMOh5h26EVC_527mrgPtXMObqfIKg2vd5xdClvP2_I0kIEOAIk3MgZ0Yxz6Giui9ozkKWuUiNQ',  // Consumer Key

                                                client_secret: '4323324214295565712',  // Consumer Secret

                                                username : username, //UserName

                                                password : password //Password (if your IP address is not white listed then user Security token with the password)


                                success : function(response) {


                                                authInfo = response.responseText;






This will return instance url and Session key that are used into next REST API call.

1.      instance_url

2.      access_token

Step3:  REST CALL to fetch Profiles name with user count.


                url: authinfo.instance_url + '/services/data/v24.0/query?q=select+count(id)+userCount,' ,

                method: 'GET',


                headers: { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'OAuth ' authinfo.access_token },

                success: function(response){

                                var text = response.responseText;                          


                fail: function(response){

                                Ext.Msg.alert('Error!','Some Error in Loading profiles.',Ext.emptyFn);



Note: In the above example we have used EXTJS.