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Cloud computing technologies, Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud || SFDC BASICS

Cloud computing technologies, Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud
Cloud computing technologies

In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn about Cloud computing technologies like public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud and Community cloud. Nearly 81% of businesses are implemented by using cloud Technologies depending upon their requirement.Through Cloud Computing large resources can be connected through various clouds like Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Community Cloud. These four Cloud storage can be accessed with some set of permissions.

cloud computing technologies
Cloud computing technologies

  1. Public Cloud.
  2. Private Cloud.
  3. Hybrid Cloud .
  4. Community Cloud.

    Public Cloud Technology
Public cloud can be available to people across the world. In this Public Cloud the user has no control over the resources.
Befits of Public Cloud

  • Low Cost.
  • Pay per usage.

Private Cloud Technology

Services on Private Cloud Can be accessed only with in the limited premises. In Private cloud  Cloud Services Providers provides Cloud infrastructure to particular Organization or Business specially. This Cloud infrastructure is not provided to others.

Two types of clouds in Private Cloud.

  • On-Premises Private Cloud.
  • Externally Hosted Private Cloud.

On-Premises Private Cloud :- This type of Cloud is Hosted internally by the  same company / Organization .

Externally Hosted Private Cloud :- This type of Cloud is Hosted externally  by third party .
Hybrid Cloud Technology

Hybrid Cloud is the combination of number of clouds of any type but the cloud has the ability to allow data and / or applications to be moved from on cloud to another cloud. Hybrid Cloud is a combination of (Public Cloud ,Private Cloud, Community Cloud). Here API is used as an interface between public and Private Cloud.
Community Cloud technology

Community Cloud technology is a Multi Tenant Architecture. Multi Tenant Architecture means set of resources provided over the cloud and been accessed to number of users across the organization with set of permissions.

Here all applications run on a single logical environment. It is faster, more secure, more available, automatically upgraded and maintained. All upgrades, updates, patches, security, disaster recovery improvements available to all customers at once.

Single Tenancy Architecture means each customer is given with a dedicated software stack and each layer in its stack requires configuration, monitoring,  Security, Patches, tuning and disaster recovery.

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