Header Ads Widget


28.Difference b/w look-up filter and look up?

look-up filter

Lookup filters are administrator settings that restrict the valid values and lookup dialog results for lookup, master-detail, and hierarchical relationship fields. Administrators specify the restrictions by configuring filter criteria that compare fields and values on:

  • The current record (source)
  • The lookup object (target)
  • The user's record, permissions, and role
  • Records directly related to the target object.
    Look up
     This is the type of relationship links two objects together, but has no effect on deletion or security. Unlike master-detail fields, lookup fields are not automatically required. When you define a lookup relationship, data from one object can appear as a custom related list on page layouts for the other object. See the Salesforce online help for details.
    29. What is difference between Remote Access and Actionfuctions?
    @RemoteAction and apex:actionFunction are essentially polar opposites in terms of functionality, even though they both offer JavaScript functionality.

@RemoteAction methods are static, and therefore can't see the current page state directly
apex:actionFunction methods are instance methods, and so can see the entire page state.

@RemoteAction methods require less bandwidth, and server processing time, because only the data you submit is visible and the view state is not transferred,
apex:actionFunction has to transfer the page view state.

@RemoteAction methods have to update the DOM manually using explicit JavaScript
apex:actionFunction methods automatically update the Visualforce DOM and can refresh part or all of the page, and can provide a standard interface for showing a loading status through apex:actionStatus.
@RemoteAction methods can return data directly back to the calling JavaScript, but cannot update the page's view state
apex:actionFunction methods can update the page's view state and DOM structure, but cannot return data directly back to JavaScript (although you can do this with some extra effort using oncomplete).

30. What is difference between pageblocktable, Datatable and Repeater?


1.PageBlockTable should be define inside pageblock or pageblocksection.

  1. PageBlockTable uses standard styles sheets to design a visualpage.
  2. It has the  required attribute "value".
  3. Column headers  will be displayed automatically.


  1. No need to write inside pageblock or pageblocksection.
  2. There is no required value.
  3. The data can be displayed using  custom style sheets.
  4. We need to specify column headers explicitly.


  1. There is no proper alignment of data in repeater compared with DataTable.


31. what is the difference between input field and input text?

Input field:
An HTML input element for a value that corresponds to a field on a Salesforce object. The < apex:inputField > component respects the attributes of the associated field, including whether the field is required or unique, and the user interface widget to display to get input from the user. For example, if the specified < apex:inputField > component is a date field, a calendar input widget is displayed. When used in an < apex:pageBlockSection >, < apex:inputField > tags always display with their corresponding output label. - from component reference

In simple language - It's the field on the object and you can have any data type, which users can input . Example Picklist, look up, check box and / or multi select picklist etc......
Input text:
An HTML input element of type text. Use this component to get user input for a controller method that does not correspond to a field on a Salesforce object.

This component does not use Salesforce styling. Also, since it does not correspond to a field, or any other data on an object, custom code is required to use the value the user inputs. - from component reference.

This is a field on the object which is of data type Text . Users can use to input only text using this field. 

You cannot use this for picklists , check boxes or any other data type.

32.Difference between InputField and OutPutField Components?


An HTML input element for a value that corresponds to a field on a salesforce object.

It respect attributes of the associated field.like whether the filed is unique or mandatory,if it is pick list ,display automatically picklist input widget is displayed.

If we use InputField under PageBlockSection,it always display with their corresponding output label.


A read only display of a label  and value for a field on salesforce object.

It also respect attributes of the associated field like if it is currency field,the appropriate currency symbol is displayed.

OutPutfield  must be child of PageBlock or PageBlockSectionItem.



An HTML Input element of type text.

Use this component get the user input for a contoller method that does not correspond to a field on a salesforce object.

InputText Doesnot use salesforce styles.


Displays text on a visualforce page.

Customize the appearance  of the component using the css styles.

This component doesn't respect the View Encrypted Data Permission. So Instead use OutPutField component to prevent showing sensitive information to the unauthorized users.

33. What is the difference between SingleEmailMessage and  MassEmailMessage?


The SingleEmailMessage can send message related to only single record.

setTargetObjectId - The ID of the contact, lead, or user to which the email will be sent.

Used for single record.

SYN: Messaging.SingleEmailMessage


MassEmailMessage can send mails related to multiple records (WhatId and TargetObjectId).

setTargetObjectIds - A list of IDs of the contacts, leads, or users to which the email will be sent.

Used for multiple records     SYN: Messaging.MassMailMessage

34. Difference between Page Layouts and Field-Level Security?

Page Layouts:

Controls display of details and edit page.

Controls page section customization.

Allows you to set field properties.

Can be unique for Specific Business.

Field-Level Security:

Defines users access to view and edit fields in salesforce.

Helps data security.

Helps users to view relevant data.

Hides field from user, list view, search, reports.

35. Difference between List, Set and map?


Ordered Collection of Primitive datatypes,sobjects,enums,etc.

It allow duplicate values.

It Follows Insertion Order.


Unordered Collection of Elements.

Its Doesn't Allow duplicate values.

It Doesn't follow Insertion Order.

When We try to add duplicate Element,element is not added and Add() method returns false.


Map is a key-value pairs.keys represents Unique and primitive,value can be primitive,sobjects,colletion,apexobjects.

It Will not follow insertion order.

When we try to give duplicate key,put() return existing key value and replace existing key value with new value.

36. Difference between Apex :Output Label and Apex:outputLink?

Apex :Output Label

The outputLabel tag renders an HTML "label" element. It allows you to customize the appearance of the label using CSS styles. The outputLabel component is associated with another component via its "for" attribute. The other component must be created before the outputLabel component when the JSF page is rendered.

Note the use of the panelGroup container in the example below. The panelGroup component renders its children, allowing the outputLabel component to locate the inputText component at render time.



  <apex::outputLabel id="usernameLabel" for="username" value="#{bundle.usernameLabel}" />

  <apex::inputText id="username" value="#{userBean.user.username}}" />


 HTML Output

<label id="form:usernameLabel" for="form:username">Username</label>

<input id="form:username" name="form:username" type="text" value=""/>


A link to a URL. apex:outputLink component is rendered in HTML as an anchor tag with an href attribute. Like its HTML equivalent, the body of an <apex:outputLink> is the text or image that displays as the link. To add query string parameters to a link, use nested <apex:param> components.

See also: <apex:commandLink>


<apex:outputLink value="https://www.salesforce.com" id="theLink">www.salesforce.com</apex:outputLink>

HTML Output:

<a id="theLink" name="theLink" href="https://www.salesforce.com">www.salesforce.com</a>

37. Difference between Force.com IDE and Sandbox?

The Force.com IDE is a powerful client application for creating, modifying, testing and deploying Force.com applications. Based on the Eclipse platform, it provides a comfortable environment for programmers familiar with integrated development environments, allowing you to code, compile, test, and deploy all from within the IDE itself.

Developer Edition
The salesforce.com Sandbox environment is an exact copy of your salesforce.com instance.
Developer Edition was an edition created for development of integrations and apps, specifically for the AppExchange.
You can copy your live instance to a sandbox environment.
You have to perform manually from sandbox to developer edition.
You can either copy your configuration and data into a sandbox environment or just the configuration.
You cannot copy your configuration or data onto the Developer Edition, but you can customize it to match your instance’s look and feel.

38.Difference between Jump Start Wizard and  Standard Wizard?

– The Jump Start wizard creates a one-step approval process for you in just a few minutes
– The Standard Wizard is useful for complex approval processes.

Jump Start Wizard
• The jump start wizard is useful for simple approval processes with a single step.
• Use the jump start wizard if you want to create an approval process quickly by allowing Salesforce to automatically choose some default options for you.

Standard Wizard
• The standard wizard is useful for complex approval processes.
• Use it when you want to fine tune the steps in your approval process.
• The standard wizard consists of a setup wizard that allows you to define your process and another setup wizard that allows you to define each step in the process.

39.What is the difference between Database.QueryLocator and Iterable in Batch Apex in Salesforce.?

50 Million records can be returned.

Governor limits will be enforced. So, we can use upto 50,000 records only. Else, exception will be thrown.
You can also use the iterable to create your own custom process for iterating through the list.


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